Someone who intrudes.
The intruder fell back out the window.
We had an intruder last night.
Jule sensed the intruder shortly after dozing off.
In England the Norman duke came in as a foreign intruder, without a native supporter to establish his rule over a single nation in its own land.
The intruder remained silent for a moment, then said slowly, "Your sister is well."
Dean felt like an intruder again.
After making its way into the interior, the intruder sets up a considerable hyper trophy of the tissue, causing the formation of a tubercle, which soon shows a certain differentiation, branches of the vascular bundles of the root being supplied to it.
For a long time I regarded my little sister as an intruder.
He's just suspicious about the motives of the intruder.
Her old subjects in Aquitaine were secretly encouraged by her to follow her son Richard against his father, whom the barons of the south always regarded as an alien and an intruder.
Disturbed from the moor or marsh, where it has its nest, it rises swiftly into the air, conspicuous by its white back and rump, and uttering shrill cries flies round the intruder.
The election was confirmed by the pope in 1257 and Hugh set to work to repair the harm done to the diocese by the intruder.
Howie recoiled at the sound of the shot and continued to dictate as the intruder fell to the ground clutching his leg, his hand drenched in blood.
What was the purpose of the brazen intruder, and to what end had he tampered with the trappings of such a formidable adversary?
Use intruder alarm equipment to monitor building or room entry.
Once in place the Home security sliding doors lock prevents an intruder forcing the doors open no matter how determined.
It does not describe Marduk as an intruder planet.
An intruder is slashed up with a straight razor.
They have an extensive bag of tricks such as using chimneys to conceal wiring and non-intrusive smoke and intruder alarms.
He was released by Mary's accession, and was at once restored to his see, his deprivation being regarded as invalid and Ridley as an intruder.
The inquiline habit (" cuckoo-parasitism "), when one species makes use of the labour of another by invading the nest and laying her eggs there, is of frequent occurrence among Hymenoptera; and in some cases the larva of the intruder is not content with taking the store of food provided, but attacks and devours the larva of the host.
Thin slivers of chaos spread all over the city alerted him to any small movement that could signify an intruder.
In fact, you will want something with bullets large enough to stop the intruder without making it through him, the wall, and a family member.
Don't think about trying to protect yourself with one of these because they won't do enough damage to stop an intruder or wild animal.
They will knock an intruder down and hold him, but they will rarely attack with force.
Tabs for Intruder are unfortunately unavailable (it's just too abstract), but try to improvise your own version and use these resources from xGuitar and FretPlay to learn Oh, Pretty Woman.
They are a sign that may fool a passerby or an intruder that someone is currently occupying the space, and the occupant is aware of the outsider's presence in the area.
Pepper spray is an easy way to stop an attacker or intruder, giving you vital time to get away and/or phone the police.
You simply point the contraption at the intruder and spray steadily into the eyes.
When a new baby comes into the family, older children feel betrayed by their parents and may become angry, directing their anger first toward the parents and later toward the intruder who is usurping their position.
Sensitization means that the mother's body becomes aware of foreign bodies in her system and starts producing antibodies against this 'foreign' intruder (the baby).
The shows featured crossovers and mentions, including the use of the Intruder, a tabloid magazine and crossovers with characters like Skye Chandler, Adam Chandler and more.
The Sun was once known as the Intruder and was owned by Dorian Lord for over six years.
She sold the Intruder to Todd Manning in 1995 who then renamed the paper The Sun in an attempt to escape The Intruder's negative reputation.
The determined alien had stowed away for safety, but the quick-thinking warrant officer manages to make it into a pressure suit before blowing the intruder out of the airlock, along with all of the shuttle's atmosphere.
The decisive moment in the episode - and a nod to the value of live pets - was when an intruder broke in and the electronic dog that was programmed to attack anyone with a mask on, ended up attacking George instead.
He'd just started to fall asleep when he sensed the intruder.
He ducked a fist and maneuvered around a kick, snatching the intruder's body and shoving it into the wall.
Justin was on his feet immediately, placing himself between her and the intruder.
If an attempt be made by any enemy to lift the lid, the spider seizes its inner side with his fangs and striking his claws into the walls of the burrow offers the greatest possible resistance to the efforts of the intruder.
On land, however, whither they resort to breed, they seek food of their own taking, whether small mammals, little birds, insects or berries; but even here their uncommon courage is exhibited, and they will defend their homes and offspring with the utmost spirit against any intruder, repeatedly shooting down on man or dog that invades their haunts, while every bird almost, from an eagle downwards, is repelled by buffets or something worse.
Now, before I have a chance to inquire, one of her coworkers, Mr. Abbott, has been injured or killed by an intruder who now may have met his just reward.
Some birds had discovered me as an intruder, and were making a great ado in interesting language and gestures.
The new version also offers one-time passwords that eliminate any chance of an intruder stealing your access.
When these are excited by the settling of an insect on the leaf they slowly bend over and imprison the intruder, which is detained there meanwhile by a sticky excretion poured out by the glands.
As soon as anyone entered she got up quickly, changed her position and expression, and picked up a book or some sewing, evidently waiting impatiently for the intruder to go.
The intruder rode slowly on the bumpy forest trail but as soon as he reached a paved roadway, Howie lost him.
The one I caught dropped helplessly from a tree just ahead of me; it turned round for a moment to have an idiotic stare at the intruder and then set off running along the path.
Whilst the heavier troops moved down the Kabul valley to Pencelaotis (Charsadda) under Perdiccas and Hephaestion, Alexander with a body of lighter-armed troops and cavalry pushed up the valleys which join the Kabul from the north - through the regions now known as Bajour, Swat and Buner, inhabited by Indian hill peoples, as fierce then against the western intruder as their Pathan successors are against the British columns.
Then, though flushed quite as suddenly, it will fly round the intruder, at times almost hovering over his head.