A private computer network, typically one that uses the protocols of the Internet.
She helps to manage and develop the intranet and Internet systems for Warwickshire Police.
The product spec calls for a way to integrate seamlessly with Group 3 fax, Internet e-mail, intranet or lan e-mail.
Starting to implement an intranet is fairly straightforward as long as you have a network capable of supporting TCP/IP.
He also said that summary guidance concerning the Code had now been placed on the departmental intranet.
Well, many intranet applications can be bought off-the-shelf, some may have to be custom coded.
Access from a web-site or network or intranet seems more problematic.
They will learn the rudiments of Web Page Design to create a small website on the intranet.
Intextra 4.0 offers many solutions for medium, small and large companies that have Intranet and/or Extranet serving.
Trust Board There are no further meetings entered on the Intranet, please check back soon for more information.
I've been doing a bit of out of hours work for the corporate intranet recently.
It spans both big, public Internet sites and the internal, web-based intranet.
Note to Editors NHS Net is a secure intranet within the NHS.
Module booklets can also be accessed on the college intranet.
At any location, access the company intranet or the public internet to get what you need.
The CD includes a printable Word document version together with an HTML version suitable for browsing or adding to your office intranet.
When a policy change occurs it may be found at the relevant section of the staff intranet.
Areas of the website containing clinical information are held within the NHS intranet.
There is for example a manufacturing aerospace company with 400 employees which uses mandrake for most its intranet servers.
If your office communicates by using instant messaging, chat rooms, or a company intranet, accurate keyboarding skills will make you a much more efficient employee.