A (usually sports) competition between teams belonging to the same school.
Within the walls; within one institution, particularly a school.
Intramural sports involve teams that are all within the same school.
Within the substance of the walls of an organ.
intramural pregnancy
The city walls, begun in 1671 and completed about 1740, were almost entirely demolished between 1863 and 1880, only a few insignificant remnants having survived the American military occupation of 1899-1902; but it is still usual to speak of the "intramural" and the "extramural" city.
Have you considered starting a new hobby or joining an intramural sports team?
As a member of the NCAA system, the Spartans have several professional, intramural, and club sports.
In addition to the formal athletics program, there are intramural sports for all students, as well as a state-of-the-art sports facility.
Students participate in campus government, intramural sports, honor societies, student newspaper, and many more clubs.
It also mentions the core curriculum and any extracurricular activities offered, including intramural sports, clubs and after-school tutoring.
Since Kaplan is an online university, there are no sports teams, intramural or otherwise, associated with the school.
While there are some intramural sports programs at some elementary schools, theses are rarely the focus of a school website.
Despite considerable 1 Five intramural graves were explored at Sinjerli, but whether of the Hittite or of the Assyrian occupation is doubtful.
The extreme length of the city was little less than a mile, and the whole intramural area is still thickly strewn with architectural remains.
Bucks County offers a wide array of student activities, from intramural sports to 38 student clubs.
In addition to intramural athletics, GRCC offers both men's and women's sports teams.
Athletics-minded students can play on the school's baseball, softball, golf, basketball, and volleyball teams or take part in intramural sports.
Since most schools don't allow homeschooled children in their district to participate in intramural sports, community sports have become the way for these children to participate in team sports.
Have they left enough of themselves in the computer systems of the starship, and can they stop their intramural fighting long enough, to rescue the troubled civilization?