To mix or become mixed together.
Stories of heroic ancestors and of tribal eponyms intermingle; personal, tribal and national traits are interwoven.
However, these "tastes" do not always intermingle.
In the first place, we have the possibility of a mixture of native blood having occurred; in the second, there have almost always been a succession of immigrants from the parent country, who continually intermingle with thefamilies of the early settlers.
That depth is jasmine, a rich, delicious, long-lasting floral that takes over completely, but not before the sea spray and mandarin intermingle a bit, adding a light, airy touch to the scent.
The rock inscriptions record how he sent forth missionaries " to the utmost limits of the barbarian countries," to "intermingle among all unbelievers" for the spread of religion.
In the zoology and botany of California as of the rest of the Pacific Coast, the distinctions between the upper austral and humid transition zones are largely obliterated; and as one passes southward into the arid lands, life forms of both these zones intermingle with those of the arid transition.
If the poor were ardent nationalists who would not intermingle with the Greeks, the rich had long outgrown and now could humour such prejudices; and the title of their party was capable of recalling at any rate the sound of the national ideal of righteousness, i.e.
Northwards, in the Saskatchewan country, the flora of the forest and that of the prairies intermingle.
Moreover, it is a human weakness to manipulate one's ancestry, and the common claim to be descended from the local godling is not to be confused with the Arunta type of reincarnation.4 Again, in the part taken by women in serpent-lore other problems of primitive society and religion intermingle.
Females were not allowed to freely intermingle with males.