In an intentional manner; on purpose.
Her voice was intentionally cool.
I didn't intentionally keep it a secret.
You intentionally tried to deceive me.
Carmen wouldn't cheat, and Gerald wouldn't intentionally take her away, but if she was unhappy enough, Carmen might leave.
It had crossed his mind that Josh intentionally ended his life.
I wouldn't lie to you, Carmen - not intentionally, anyway.
Has he ever hit you — intentionally, I mean?
How much had Clara told the man, intentionally or otherwise?
They who come rarely to the woods take some little piece of the forest into their hands to play with by the way, which they leave, either intentionally or accidentally.
Champollion outdistanced all his competitors from the first, and had practically nothing to thank them for except material to work on, and too often that had been intentionally withheld from him.
The natural steps first of making it intentionally by putting such stones into his fire, and next of improving his fire by putting it and these stones into a cavity on the weather side of some bank with an opening towards the prevalent wind, would give a simple forge, differing only in size, in lacking forced blast, and in details of construction, from the Catalan forges and bloomaries of to-day.
It has been argued that the sacramental rites of the Christians were largely imitated from the pagan mysteries; but for the first two hundred years this is hardly true, except perhaps in the case of certain Gnostic sects whose leaders intentionally amalgamated the new faith with old pagan ideas and rites.
Among the Dravidians a cobra which is accidentally killed is burned like a human being; no one would kill one intentionally; the serpent-god's image is carried in an annual procession by a celibate priestess.
To the north a large open court divides the monastic from the menial buildings, intentionally placed as remote as possible from the 1 The Architectural History of the Conventual Buildings of the Monastery of Christ Church in Canterbury.
This is one of the only known countries to actually deport citizens over the age of 18 who are recognized as "intentionally illiterate."
Of these the silica and alumina are chiefly those which the gangue of the ore and the ash of the fuel introduce, whereas the lime is that added intentionally to form with these others a slag of the needed physical properties.
But in all other cases where a ship is intentionally run on shore for the common safety, the consequent loss or damage shall be allowed as G.A.
It is, however, likely that Theocritus intentionally used realistic language for the sake of dramatic effect, and the MSS.
Either accidentally or intentionally, the railings were overturned in one place, and the people, perceiving their opportunity, at once threw them down round the whole circuit of the park.
Indeed part of the temple of E-Saggila, which like other ancient temples served as a fortress, was intentionally pulled down by Xerxes after his capture of the city.
These eyepieces are intentionally provided with a different chromatic magnification, which however is in opposition to that originating in the objective.
During these years the policy of the different princes was marked, perhaps intentionally, by considerable uniformity.
Her songs are intentionally ambiguous.
It is not your place to defend her honor with clients when she is intentionally misleading them.
Had Shakespeare treated it, he would hardly have contented himself with investing the hero with the nobility given by Ford to this personage of his play, - for it is hardly possible to speak of a personage as a character when the clue to his conduct is intentionally withheld.
There were arrangements for the brilliant illumination of the choir and its relief, which was sometimes sculptured on both sides and reversible, while the podia were intentionally more obscure.
Even so, more by chance than intentionally, Buell's leading division was opposite the Landing, awaiting only a ferry, on the evening before the battle; Grant, however, declined to allow it to cross, as he thought that there would be no fighting for some days.
In a war which soon followed he was successful; the remonstrances of Carthage with Rome on the behaviour of her ally were answered by the appointment of Scipio as arbitrator; but, as though intentionally on the part of Rome, no definite settlement was arrived at, and thus the relations between Massinissa and the Carthaginians continued strained.
Almost immediately after, however, Joab, who had been sent away, perhaps intentionally returned and slew Abner at the gate of Hebron.
Manganese by itself rather lessens than increases the malleableness and, indeed, the general merit of the metal, but it is added intentionally, in quantities even as large as 1 5 to palliate the effects of sulphur and oxygen.
Alright, not straight out, but you intentionally tried to deceive me.
Has he ever hit you — intentionally, I mean?
Those people died intentionally in the act of killing infidels.
The moral principle being applied is that in man's relations with other creatures it is wrong to intentionally inflict unnecessary suffering.
An assault is committed when a person intentionally or recklessly causes another to apprehend the immediate infliction of unlawful force.
No person shall intentionally interfere with, or misuse anything provided by the University in the interests of health, safety or welfare.
The neck of the animal should not be disjoined during slaughtering intentionally, even the knife should not go deep into the spinal marrow.
I had been intentionally mislead in thinking that cotton was a natural and fantastic fabric.
Intentionally misspelled, it isn't until you hear it that you realize that Count Orlok was the name of the vampire in Nosferatu.
Is FD happy with the prospect of including in his first set of financial statements a current-year P&L account that is intentionally materially misstated?
No person shall intentionally obstruct any officer or employe of the Trustees in the execution of his duties.
But in the attempts to make the film look as intentionally bad as possible, the film actually turns into a rather overblown cheese-fest.
Invited speakers will give their response to this intentionally provocative question, followed by an open discussion.
But the BNP insisted yesterday that its members would not slap stickers on doors and would never intentionally upset anyone.
It is an offense for any unauthorized person to intentionally uproot any wild plant.
This is one of the only known countries to actually deport citizens over the age of 18 who are recognized as "intentionally illiterate"
Many injuries are also the result of accidental contact, rather than a dog or cat intentionally striking out.
Surround yourself with comfortable, intentionally worn furniture to recreate the relaxing atmosphere found at the beach.
If you want a more rustic look, then you can opt for hand-hewn doors that are intentionally finished with a weathered or distressed look, but stained in a natural or dark finish.
After all, when someone hurts us intentionally or unintentionally, it's easy to feel angry.