In an intellectual manner.
Intellectually he did not stand in the front rank.
He is one of the most intellectually incisive executives in corporate America.
We noted earlier that Richard Dawkins claims that his belief in evolution enables him to be an intellectually fulfilled atheist.
In order to defeat the bourgeoisie in reality it must first be beaten intellectually.
The ideal of a work of art is thus when it is not calculated, not cerebral, or not formulated intellectually.
To suppose that religion is the only such vehicle is intellectually dishonest.
The result was to render such ideas academically and intellectually disreputable.
Indeed, the best ESOL sessions engage and stretch learners to handle complex language in emotionally and intellectually engaging contexts.
The study of this new ius commune is both intellectually exacting and practically relevant.
Because had the way to God been open through wisdom, Christianity would have opened the way to salvation only to the intellectually gifted.
That is, is an option intellectually open when the evidence is indeterminate, or when it is essentially indeterminate?
Intellectually invigorated, you can embark upon the next wayward stretch of the Painters ' Trail.
He writes ' It goes against the grain for a scientist to be so intellectually lazy.
Once again, it would seem intellectually incredibly lazy to treat these astonishing facts as merely a happy accident.
He may be intellectually precocious yet emotionally stunted and amoral.
Its aim is to foster a multidisciplinary and intellectually rigorous debate on the theoretical and practical aspects of interactive media in education.
Intellectually trenchant and emotionally brutal, the film is also a feast of outstanding acting.
It would have been intellectually wasteful, and politically unwise, to try to set out in a new direction.
This makes a visit to the museum emotionally draining, but intellectually vacuous.
She strove to impart also something of the refinement and ornamental attributes of Western civilization, and aspired to raise her adopted fatherland intellectually and artistically to the west-European level.
He answered these attacks in kind, sometimes perhaps with unnecessary vehemence and rancour, but he never faltered in his work, and, an optimist by nature, a disciple of his friend George Combe, and a believer in the indefinite improvability of mankind, he was sustained throughout by his conviction that nothing could so much benefit the race, morally, intellectually and materially, as education.
In character he was not malignant, but he was intellectually torpid, and of a credulity which almost passes belief.
The demonstrable rational necessity, instead of being innate, or conscious from our birth, may lie latent or subconscious in the individual mind; but for all that, when we gradually become more awake intellectually, such truths are seen to " carry their own evidence along with them."
Now, instead of just intellectually engaging with the news, we feel the government brutality, we experience the war, we are electrified by the demonstrations, and we are horrified at the suffering.
Or what if I were to allow--would it not be a singular allowance?--that our furniture should be more complex than the Arab's, in proportion as we are morally and intellectually his superiors!
All we can really do now is know these things intellectually, and somewhat in practice through the use of salvia divinorum.
Sleeping Crying Physical activity, games, intellectually stimulating play, etc, .
A co-founder should help you be more intellectually honest, a huge saver of time.
Make a commitment to being intellectually honest with yourself and your team. It will help you identify the inevitable failures, and move through them quickly.
Just do one a day and feel intellectually energized for the rest of the day!
Here it gets a little interesting because these guys intellectually converse with you.
In cases of hydrocephalus, for example, it has been noted that children who are otherwise quite impaired intellectually can have impressive conversational language skills.
As adolescents mature intellectually and undergo cognitive changes, they come to perceive themselves in more sophisticated and differentiated ways.
Newly-unemployed individuals may understand intellectually that they are not the only ones who are without work, but the experience can still be isolating.
Although intellectually they may know that the changes are normal, these women still feel unpleasantly "fat."
In purchasing these products, parents not only help to ensure that they stay within their summer budgets, but they can also find a way to keep children engaged and intellectually stimulated.
Intellectually you know she would not cheat on you (and this guy may be gay) but your heart is missing her, so it worries that something terrible may happen, just like in the past.
Intellectually, your confidence is with your business sense.
Although her Mars makes no major aspects, Linda Goodman's Mars in Gemini would have made her intellectually curious, nimble and energetically "quick".
Men with this placement need to be intellectually stimulated.
Moon in Gemini people are all about communicating and connecting with others intellectually.
These people first react to situations emotionally rather than intellectually.
The three air signs - Aquarius, Gemini and Libra - all form intellectually based relationships when matched together.
In love, Gemini needs a partner that is curious, intellectually stimulating, and loves to laugh.
My goal always is to assist my students to grow intellectually, socially, morally, emotionally, physically and spiritually.
Learning about emotions in others intellectually can be accomplished through video modeling.
Italy, intellectually first among the peoples, was now politically and practically last; and nothing to her historian is more heartrending than to watch the gradual extinction of her spirit in this age of slavery.
Deists and orthodox in those days agreed in recognizing not merely natural theology but natural religion - " essential religion," Butler more than once styles it; the expression shows how near he stood intellectually to those he criticized.
In this process the conviction of the reconciliation of the sinner with God, of the salvation of the world and the individual through Christ, fell into the background before the vindication of supernatural truths intellectually conceived.
He was absolutely incorruptible, thus standing, morally as well as intellectually, far above the level of his age.