One who suffers an inability or difficulty sleeping; a sufferer from insomnia.
Instead, it shows better results in chronic insomniacs.
I guess we're just a couple of insomniacs, huh?
Insomniacs may be suffering from an underlying medical condition, so it is imperative to see a doctor about the symptoms you are experiencing.
Passionflower is virtually free of side effects when taken at recommended doses, and may be especially helpful for insomniacs who suffer from chronic pain, anxiety, or muscle disorders.
Insomniacs often experience unrealistic sleep expectations, particularly when they do not understand the root cause of their problems.
Unlike other sleep disorders, such as sleep apnea, unrealistic sleep expectations do affect insomniacs.
Campus Health states that insomniacs who do not understand the cause of their problem may engage in catastrophic thinking, which means that they begin to believe something else is wrong.
This sleepiness is what helps many insomniacs finally get the rest they need.
A double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of 128 volunteers showed that valerian significantly improved the sleep habits of self-described poor sleepers and insomniacs by effectively reducing sleep latency.
In another randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind, crossover study, all 16 participants were medically diagnosed insomniacs and all showed significant improvement over the course of two weeks while taking valerian.
These characteristics make it a great choice for poor sleepers and insomniacs who can't tolerate the side effects of heavier narcotics and who don't want to risk becoming dependent on sleep enhancing drugs.
The supplement has the potential to help many poor sleepers and insomniacs finally get the sleep they need.