The condition of being insensitive
As of 2004 it is thought that obesity in humans may result in part from insensitivity to leptin.
While I dared not say it for fear of being accused of insensitivity, I wondered if the death of Gladys Gillespie might enhance her credibility, reducing the number of those chasing the real Psychic Tipster.
Dean went to the kitchen, returning with a dustpan and whisk broom, only to be rewarded with a stern lecture on his insensitivity when he made motions to pitch the little varmint out in the snow.
The insensitivity of the male protagonist and his consequent inability to satisfy the basic needs of the female is thus a recurring theme.
Parents often feel that teasing and name-calling, insensitivity, and ignorance are the greatest challenges that they face with regards to their child's albinism.
These children may learn both to model their parents' insensitivity and to rely on intrusive, demanding behavior of their own in order to get attention.
In particular, insensitivity in the feet can lead to numerous complications, because affected diabetics often are not aware of injuries.