Discussed later.
The municipal archives contain interesting documents of the whilom imperial chamber (see infra).
The highest office in connexion with the Cinque Ports is that of the lord warden, who also acts as governor of Dover Castle, and has a maritime jurisdiction (vide infra) as admiral of the ports.
When peculiars were abolished (vide infra) the dean of Arches disappeared, and his title, in the 19th century, was erroneously given to the official principal.
In 1438 the council of Basel took away all papal original jurisdiction (save in certain reserved cases - of which infra), evocation of causes to Rome, appeals to Rome omisso medio, and appeals to Rome altogether in many causes.
Clerks were punishable only in the court Christian, except in cases of grave crimes such as murder, mutilation (Fournier, p. 72), and cases called " royal cases " (vide infra).
More detail concerning skull, scales and teeth will be found in the diagnostic descriptions of the various families (vide infra); for further anatomical information the reader is referred to the article Reptiles (Anatomy).
Other writers apply the term to a " free " pupa (see infra).
Dumas and Polydore Boullay (2806-2835) in their " etherin theory " (vide infra).
The first cause of variation may be at present ignored; its significance will become apparent when we consider dispersion (vide infra).
In the immediate neighbourhood of the modern Tlemcen are numerous remains of the fortifications of Agadir (vide infra), and the minaret of the mosque, a beautiful tower dating Sidi from the 13th century, the lower part of which is built Medin.
Lucilius belonged to the equestrian order, a fact indicated by Horace's notice of himself as "infra Lucili censum."
Rhaetic beds (Infra Lias), consisting of dolomites and siliceous limestones, have been recognized at Saida.
C. Horstmann has printed the text in his Legendensammlung (ut infra).
The Order of Christ, the supreme pontifical order, is of one class only; for the history of this ancient order see Portugal (infra).
Maria infra Portas is said to date from the 7th century, but from this period only the columns of the portico remain.
The work of Metchnikoff, dating from about 1884, has proved of high importance, his theory of phagocytosis (vide infra) having given a great stimulus to research, and having also contributed to important advances.
Brieger, chiefly concerned ptomaines (vide infra), but no great advance resulted.
Such a serum may accordingly within certain limits be used for differentiating this organism from others closely allied to it (vide infra).
Raymond adopts Bernard of Pavia's division into five books and into titles; in each title he arranges the decretals in chronological order, cutting out those which merely repeat one another and the less germane parts of those which he preserves; but these partes decisae, indicated by the words " et infra " or " et j," are none the less very useful and have been printed in recent editions.
Similar changes had, however, been introduced during the preceding century in some parts of the Anglican communion outside the British Isles (see infra).
Polyphonic ring tones, infra red port for connectivity & vibrate alert are just a few of the other features to be included.
They don their infra red goggles, drop to the ground and crawl into the woods in formation.
Now I just need to find a way to locate my phone under infra red light.
Patch It has been tested by means of infra red thermography.
In accordance with the prevalent antithetic view of the alternation of generations in these plants (see PLANTS, REPRODUCTION or), the forms distinguished as sporophyte and gametophyte are not homogenetic; consequently their leaves are not homologous, but are only functionally similar (homoplastic; see infra).
The chief wealth of the natives consists, however, in their large herds of cattle (see infra).
The suppression of the Encyclopedie, to which he had been a considerable contributor, and whose conductors were his intimate friends, drew from him a shower of lampoons directed now at "l'infame" (see infra) generally, now at literary victims, such as Le Franc de Pompignan (who had written one piece of verse so much better than anything serious of Voltaire's that he could not be forgiven), or Palissot (who in his play Les Philosophes had boldly gibbeted most of the persons so termed, but had not included Voltaire), now at Freron, an excellent critic and a dangerous writer, who had attacked Voltaire from the conservative side, and at whom the patriarch of Ferney, as he now began to be called, levelled in return the very inferior farce-lampoon of L'Ecossaise, of the first night of which Freron himself did an admirably humorous criticism.
The wheel rotates between Phonic the poles of an electro-magnet, which is fed by an intermittent current such as that which is working an electrically maintained tuning-fork (see infra).
It is even said by some who have examined the original (vide infra) that the text and alterations show a progressively freethinking attitude, side by side with a growing tendency to conceal it by ambiguity and innuendo.
The metaphor is taken from the division of the Roman people into classes by Servius Tullius, those in the first class being called classici, all the rest infra classem, and those in the last proletarii.
The mother-liquor from the 70% chloride is evaporated, the common salt which separates out in the heat removed as it appears, and the sufficiently concentrated liquor allowed to crystallize, when almost pure carnallite separates out, which is easily decomposed into its components '(see' infra).
The southern and eastern coastlands, owing to different climatic conditions (see infra) are very fertile.
Grey that the British government would regard any other solution as inadmissible (see infra).
Consider installing an infra red sensor with the garage door opener.
Galgano (infra), built in black and white marble, was begun in the early years of the 13th century, but interrupted by the plague of 1248 and wars at home and abroad, and in 1317 its walls were extended to the baptistery of San Giovanni; a further enlargement was begun in 1339 but never carried out, and a few ruined walls and arches alone remain to show the magnificence of the uncompleted design, which would have produced one of the largest churches in the-world.