Any undesirable substance or group of cells that has made its way into part of the body.
To surreptitiously penetrate, enter or gain access to.
(of a liquid) To pass through something by filtration.
To cause (a liquid) to pass through something by filtration.
To invade or penetrate a tissue or organ.
High-grade tumors often infiltrate surrounding structures.
To send (soldiers, spies etc.) through gaps in the enemy line.
(of an intravenous needle) To move from a vein, remaining in the body.
Anger can start in one area and infiltrate the rest of the areas of your life.
Viruses can infiltrate your computer by various methods.
Like Erik said, she's some mutant Sasha made to infiltrate your operations.
Sookie plans to infiltrate the Fellowship of the Sun to find Godric, unaware that Jason will be there too.
They must infiltrate Skynet and destroy the machines.
The second major histological feature is the inflammatory infiltrate.
The fat cells are increased and infiltrate the connective tissue between the bundles of muscle fibres.
To win the map the CT 's must infiltrate the American embassy and rescue the hostages kept within.
Many of the franchises found on the PlayStation 2 went on to infiltrate mainstream popular culture.
This fluid contains many eosinophils and can infiltrate the membrane of the lungs (pleural effusion).
Sookie takes Isabel's human Hugo to infiltrate the Fellowship of the Sun.
The plot involves mysterious aliens who infiltrate the Enterprise and hijack ... well, Spock's brain.
Can he infiltrate the gang 's base and fool the likes of Rabies?
A lung carcinoma or an infiltrate of residual or relapsing chronic myelogenous leukemia in the lung could be definitely ruled out.
The blizzard degenerated into freezing rain and began to infiltrate my allegedly weatherproof jacket.
It featured the first appearance of Solid Snake, a soldier sent to infiltrate a terrorist base and stop the Metal Gear, a walking tank with the capability of launching nuclear warheads.
These unique characters can not only infiltrate the Mii Parade, but they can be used for novelty and humor inside select video games as well.
They can infiltrate nearby tissues, enter the bloodstream, and metastasize to bones, tissues, and organs far from the original malignancy.
As the stress level at the company increases, it's common for the effect to infiltrate the entire business, which means it's crucial to find strategies for managing stress in the workplace.
About 50 percent of metastatic cancers that infiltrate the central nervous system and about 10 percent of central nervous system tumors will shed cells into the CSF.
Inconsistencies can also occur when using other methods such as the cap or condom, which can allow sperm to infiltrate the cervix if used incorrectly.
Due to the whimsical nature of the fashion industry, everything from platforms to stilettos can safely infiltrate the evening scene.
Staph infection of the blood (staphylococcal bacteremia) develops when bacteria from a local infection infiltrate the lymph glands and bloodstream.
From the Apple side of the equation, the iPod touch has started to infiltrate the portable gaming marketing occupied by the Nintendo DS and the Sony PSP.