Not excusable
Such rudimentary and imperfect sketches would be quite excusable in a first draft, but inexcusable and incredible after the Nicomachean Ethics had been written.
At the Kamo Festival, of course, such negligence is quite inexcusable.
Is it not inexcusable to give such an example to a daughter?
In order, however, to impute the whole work to Anaximenes, Spengel took one of the most inexcusable steps ever taken in the history of scholarship. Without any manuscript authority he altered the very first words " three genera " (T pia -yin) into " two genera " (Suo -ybni), and omitted the words " one declamatory " (rO SE E7rLSEtKrucOv).
The nepotism in which the pope indulged is especially inexcusable.
His manner of disposing of the Irish forfeitures was inexcusable.
Confusing a Wassermann twin with Jeffrey Byrne was inexcusable.
I delight in his lack of patience with everyone from students to politicians who demonstrate inexcusable ignorance, incompetence or obfuscation.
This doesn't happen all the time but it's pretty inexcusable.
The dialog generally consisting of macho posturing, and when this is coming from the female leads its really inexcusable.
The computer exhibits were also laughably dated which is frankly inexcusable in a city that is home to both Microsoft and Boeing.
In an age of zero-tolerance toward drugs, what she did seems inexcusable.
The triumph of so fanatical a reformer as Christian brought about the fall of Catholicism, but the Catholics were still so strong in the council of state that Christian was forced to have recourse to a coup d'etat, which he successfully accomplished by means of his German mercenaries (12th of August 1536), an absolutely inexcusable act of violence loudly blamed by Luther himself, and accompanied by the wholesale spoliation of the church.
McCully on the other hand, thought Temple's failure to execute was inexcusable.
It is inexcusable for him to yell, cuss and tell you that you don't have the right after seven months to ask questions about his personal business.
In 1796 he published a long letter to Washington, attacking his military reputation and his presidential policy with inexcusable bitterness.