Lacking elasticity; inflexible, unyielding
A system so inelastic, and so deadening to all initiative, could have but one result.
Rubber slowly absorbs oxygen when exposed to air and light, the absorption of oxygen being accompanied by a gradual change in the characteristic properties of rubber, and ultimately to the production of a hard, inelastic, brittle substance containing oxygen.
Owing to the circumstance that the great majority of the Mexican people own no property, carry on no industry, and are not even to be considered regular productive labourers, the revenues are small in relation to the population and are comparatively inelastic.
Water is comparatively very heavy, inelastic and incompressible; air, on the other hand, is comparatively very light, elastic and compressible.
If the wing was inelastic, every part of it would reverse at precisely the same moment, and its vibration would be characterized by pauses or dead points at the end of the down and up strokes which would be fatal to it as a flying organ.
After steadily declining for a considerable period, this had increased its influence in the second half of the 19th century by widening the inelastic tenets of the Dutch Methodists, which had caused many of the liberal clergy among the Lutherans and Calvinists to go over to the Remonstrants.
With the screw press, even in its most improved form, the amount of pressure practically obtainable is limited from the failure of its parts under the severe inelastic strain.
Wherever the interstellar clouds of the two galaxies collide, they do not freely interpenetrate but, rather, suffer inelastic collision.
The relative contribution of the rotationally inelastic processes is investigated in some detail.
The demand to use the road is relatively inelastic.
The supply of tickets is perfectly inelastic in that there are only a certain amount of seats in the ground.
The consumption of coffee is fairly inelastic, in that a change in price translates into a relatively small change in the quantity consumed.
Furthermore, it is likely that, as employment in the economy grows, demand for goods and services will become more inelastic.
However, in a thick enough specimen, inelastic scattering will also take place.
Properties of hadronic final states in diffractive deep inelastic ep scattering at HERA.
The older types of Gymnosperms are inelastic and dying out.
In any case the inelastic quality of the Spartan system was unable to adapt itself to the spirit of the new age.
This freely-growing Gnostic religiosity aroused in the Church an increasingly strong movement towards unity and a firm and inelastic organization, towards authority and tradition.
In the latter period the excise proved of great richness, and quickly responsive in its returns; whereas the Customs were inelastic so long as the war continued.
It not only secured an immediate market for government bonds, but it also provided a permanent uniform national currency, which, though inelastic, is absolutely stable.