In an incremental fashion; by small additions.
Others prefer to raise their bids incrementally over time.
As you progress through the first levels, you are incrementally introduced to the core mechanic of the game, a solid squad command system that allows you to actively maneuver any units under your command.
In this way, you will be teaching multiplication mastery incrementally.
This allows the diver to incrementally return to the surface, allowing the excess dissolved nitrogen to escape from the body.
Or trail a line of stars down your back from the mid-point of the spine to the sacrum with the stars growing incrementally larger as they descend.
International calls billed incrementally International Raters.
Because of the lack of fees, more of your money will go toward the growing cash value of your actual policy, incrementally upping the value of your policy as a whole in the case of a tragedy.
The premiums, which are quite high in comparison to regular health care insurance, rise incrementally as one ages-but purchasing such insurance is often not on a young person's radar.