Not coherent.
The result is a confusion that renders the description incoherent.
Linguistics can tell us what makes the poem incoherent, how the "speaker" is multiple, but not who the speaker is.
From this vague, incoherent, yet gifted writer our author acquired some of his strong feeling for the naive.
The formations are mostly incoherent, and have nearly their original position.
In the midst of his explanation shouts were heard from the army, growing more incoherent and more diffused, mingling with music and songs and coming from the field where the review was held.
When Rostov asked what was the matter, he only uttered some incoherent oaths and threats in a hoarse, feeble voice.
He shows how morality can be viewed physically, as evolving from an indefinite incoherent homogeneity to a definite, coherent heterogeneity; biologically, as evolving from a less to a more complete performance of vital functions, so that the perfectly moral man is one whose life is physiologically perfect and therefore perfectly pleasant; psychologically, as evolving from a.
His comments were strange and rather incoherent, in my opinion.
It does require ingenuity to find excuses for them being incoherent.
Although he is always enthusiastic, his critiques are often incoherent.
But at least he's our incoherent, ranting demagogue.
Nor, equally, is it possible to show them to be false or logically incoherent.
The environmental planning and decision-making system in Finland is somewhat incoherent and disjointed.
To make matters worse, the final act is almost completely incoherent.
And tho the plot threads remain loose and often incoherent, half the fun of the show is trying to piece together the action.
Originating emotion still clots the lines and, while we strive for originality, the work becomes muddled, pretentious or incoherent.
The jungle explodes into a fiery deathtrap with roars from automatic weapons interrupting the incoherent shouts from your men.
It was also utterly apparent that our new minister for constitutional affairs appeared to be nothing less than a babbling incoherent imbecile.
This includes the four radars of the European incoherent Scatter (EISCAT) Association.
He became quite incoherent, tho the funny bits were clear, Instead of ten - Will had twelve commandments we should fear.
It sounded so gloriously incoherent, and yet inspired, and I was head over heals in love.
Track Record EISCAT is the worlds leading incoherent scatter radar facility, in terms of capability.
Yet it also boasts articles that range far beyond the odd incoherent rant directed at the board.
You can't make a strong, harmonious whole by putting together incoherent elements.
He was not an orator, and though he could express himself forcibly on occasion, his speech was incoherent and devoid of any of the arts of rhetoric. Clarendon notes on his first appearance in parliament that "he seemed to have a person in no degree gracious, no ornament of discourse, none of those talents which use to reconcile the affections of the standers by; yet as he grew into place and authority his parts seemed to be renewed."
In internal affairs he wished to undo what his mother had done, but his impulsive, incoherent efforts in that direction merely dislocated the administrative mechanism without producing any tangible results.
By the third I received a long and almost incoherent letter of remorse, encouragement, consolation, and despair.
Their arguments, however, seem incoherent of incomplete in a number of ways.
But Dr. Lucas criticized the timing of the report and said a fundamental mismatch between regional transport and economic policy rendered the strategy incoherent.
At the same time, the essence of eclecticism is the refusal to follow blindly one set of formulae and conventions, coupled with a determination to recognize and select from all sources those elements which are good or true in the abstract, or in practical affairs most useful ad hoc. Theoretically, therefore, eclecticism is a perfectly sound method, and the contemptuous significance which the word has acquired is due partly to the fact that many eclectics have been intellectual trimmers, sceptics or dilettanti, and partly to mere partisanship. On the other hand, eclecticism in the sphere of abstract thought is open to this main objection that, in so far as every philosophic system is, at least in theory, an integral whole, the combination of principles from hostile theories must result in an incoherent patchwork.
Dissolution, and finally reaches the statement of the Law of Evolution as" an integration of matter and concomitant dissipation of motion, during which the matter passes from a an indefinite incoherent homogeneity to a definite coherent heterogeneity, and during which the retained motion undergoes a parallel transformation."This process of evolution is due to" the instability of the homogeneous,"the" multiplication of effects "and their" segregation,"continuing until it ceases in complete" equilibration."Sooner or later, however, the reverse process of Dissolution, with its absorption of motion and disintegration of matter, which indeed has always been going on to some extent, must prevail, and these oscillations of the cosmic process will continue without end.
In the following year appeared Sigurd the Volsung, a version full of heroic vigour, movement and vitality, but somewhat too lengthy and incoherent in design to preserve the epic interest intact to the British taste.
Their incoherent efforts only confirmed the Jacobin supremacy.
The originating emotion still clots the lines or, in striving for originality, the work becomes muddled, pretentious or incoherent.
I 'm sure you know it was gar 's abusive, incoherent and vitriolic rants that caused the furor.
You ca n't make a strong, harmonious whole by putting together incoherent elements.
With an incoherent howl he wriggled round and punched the policeman smartly in the stomach.
Logorrhea, especially if it is incoherent, can be a symptom of a deeper underlying mental condition.
According to witnesses, Hasselhoff was incoherent, mumbling and experiencing problems with his balance.
An incoherent appearance on a 1997 episode of The Late Show with David Letterman sparked rumors that Fawcett had a drug problem.
The acute phase of schizophrenia is also characterized by incoherent thinking, rambling or discontinuous speech, use of nonsense words, and odd physical behavior, including grimacing, pacing, and unusual postures.
In disorganized (hebephrenic) schizophrenia, the patient is incoherent, with flat or inappropriate emotions, disorganized behavior, and bizarre, stereotyped movements and grimaces.
You don't want to hear that your writing is incoherent and ineffective when it's too late; get as much feedback as you can as you progress.
You don't want a search to turn up photos of you drunk at a frat party or an incoherent rant you posted the day after you broke up with your boyfriend.
He toured with the band and also helped record an EP entitled Incoherent with Desire to Move On.
His style, it is true, is involved and obscure, often rambling and incoherent.
What was thus " begun by chance, was continued by entreaty, written by incoherent parcels, and after long intervals of neglect resumed again as humour and occasions permitted."
The cement, on which alone freight is to be reckoned, converts these from loose incoherent material into a solid stone.
From the mazy and incoherent alchemical and iatrochemical doctrines, the former based on false conceptions of matter, the latter on erroneous views of life processes and physiology, a new science arose - the study of the composition of substances.
Yet this apparently incoherent aggregate held its ground successfully against the powerful armies often sent against the place both by the king of Dahomey from the west, and by the people of Ibadan from the north-east.