A furnace that burns refuse.
We need you to voice your opposition to the planned incinerator.
The pure fly ash being sent to Sheffield is the most toxic product of the incinerator.
High levels of dioxins found in bottom ash of Bernard Road incinerator - dioxins found in bottom ash of Bernard Road incinerator - dioxins are linked to cancers, notably breast cancer.
Should Leeds build an incinerator to burn its rubbish?
The Council clearly now has a duty to rethink its plans for a massive incinerator in Sheffield.
Full Story Could waste be imported to feed the incinerator?
Doorstep recycling schemes, for example, to counter the need for a new household waste incinerator.
The black smoke that billows from the engine is a graphic match to the incinerator chimneys at the camps.
In 1995 he spearheaded a successful campaign to close a highly polluting incinerator in his locality.
The group were also informed that the proposed incinerator at Newhaven should serve the whole county.
Promote waste strategies to use rail as the preferred mode for access to larger landfill, incinerator or recycling centers.
The Hunt purchased an incinerator costing in excess of £ 6,000 almost two years ago and also pays for skips to remove the offal.
Oldbury operates a range of waste treatment facilities including a small incinerator and waste shredder.