One who adheres to the theory or method of impressionism.
He was one of the earliest defenders of the Impressionist painters.
P. Oliveira Martins (2 vols., 4th ed., Lisbon, 1901), is a series of brilliant impressionist studies.
Thus it results that Japanese poems are, for the most part, impressionist; they suggest a great deal more than they actually express.
Pissarro is represented in the Caillebotte room at the Luxembourg, and in almost every collection of impressionist paintings.
Such pictures partake largely of the impressionist character, but they attain much beauty in the hands of the Japanese artist with his extensive repertoire of suggestive symbols.
He subsequently fell under the spell of the rising impressionist movement and threw in his lot with Monet and his friends, who were at that time the butt of public ridicule.
Regarded as the founder of impressionist painting, Claude Monet was born and raised in France.
American pop art and impressionist paintings have also been exhibited within the Guggenheim Hermitage Museum.
Although realists had a novel approach to painting, their ideas are best remembered as the groundwork for the impressionist movement.
The ventriloquist, impressionist, comedian, and singer, known to millions as "The Human Jukebox," claims he was "beyond shocked" when his name was announced as the show's million dollar-winner.
Helge spent the next decade and a half collecting the impressionist and Post-Impressionist paintings that Carl found ' awful, mannered and ghastly ' .
He was a son of the great French impressionist Camille Pissarro and painted in the impressionist style.
His work is now much acclaimed by collectors, as his talents as one of the leading impressionist is appreciated by the art establishment.
The gallery also holds a large collection of works by Paul Maze, the renowned British impressionist.
Pinching people's identity is all in a day's work for comedy impressionist Alistair McGowan.
Aaron James is a sporting impressionist who has gained a reputation as a first-class after dinner speaker.
Collioure was a source of inspiration and is represented in many impressionist paintings.
A modern kitchen might be best served with an impressionist style of design or a whimsical floral cutout with a plush yarn finish.
Painting and Engraving.Tn Japanese art the impressionist element is predominant.
By all means let universal characterization be attempted - we are about to attempt one here, though well aware of the difficulty in the present state of our knowledge - but they must at least model themselves on the composite photograph rather than the impressionist sketch.
The first, a wonderful impressionist though not perhaps a great novelist, describes to perfection the domestic and social life of Portugal in the early part of the 10th century.