A manager or producer in the entertainment industry, especially music or theatre.
It was a big hit and Allan Carr became an impresario by the time he was 20.
The show was owned by ATV which was owned by theatrical impresario Lew Grade.
These were performed in St Petersburg in 1909 and heard by the impresario Sergei Diaghilev.
The Greek drummer turned r&b impresario hired our boy after hearing his version of Please, Please, Please apparently.
He was able to realize his ideas through Ballets Russes, a new company organized by Russian impresario Sergei Diaghilev.
His talent was recognized by American impresario Colonel Bateman who promptly whisked him off to the Lyceum Theater where he made his name.
The late impresario and life peer Lew Grade fled the Ukraine to become one of the giants in British television.
She also got asked to the exclusive after-show party, hosted by rap impresario Sean 'P.
After successful auditions for the ballet impresario Sergei Diaghilev, all four dancers were accepted into the Ballets Russes.
So to look at this question of whether a curator is a creative collaborator or a self-important impresario?