Mischievous; of or befitting an imp.
An impish fear clutched my hand, so that I could not write any more that day.
She wore an impish look, high cheekbones and the only lavender eyes Dean had ever seen.
The Cheeky name is due to that impish grin.
The primary attitude of man to the numina seems clearly to be one of fear, which survives prominently in the "impish" character of certain of the spirits of the countryside, such as Faunus and Inuus, and is always seen in the underlying conception of religio, a sense of awe in the presence of a superhuman power.
Fairies can be associated with angels, or they can be seen as more impish creatures similar to goblins and pixies.
The name, as well as its spelling, is used to refer to several types of these creatures, both good and impish.
In fact, the impish Goodall manages to make even Gregorian chant sound somehow groovy.
No, not Titania, but rather Puck from A Midsummer Night's Dream, who is very impish.
Had Rounders picked up impish grinnolan is is it to the adrenaline-fueled compulsives.