The branch of medicine that concerns the body's immune system.
According to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology, if one parent has an allergic disease, a child has a 48 percent risk of developing allergies.
His research has been in immunology, cell biology, and developmental neurobiology.
Additionally, a study published by the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology found no correlation between wine intolerance and levels of histamine content.
The III incorporates multiple research groups with expertise in molecular bacteriology, virology, chemical biology, immunology and cancer immunity.
The primary focus of research interest is investigating all aspects of the disease from epidemiology and novel diagnostics to immunology and new treatments.
Recently, programs in cancer immunology and cancer gene therapy have been developed within the Division.
The successful applicant will join a newly established research group studying the immunology of vector-borne diseases of livestock.
The clinical service also includes the clinical immunology diagnostic laboratory.
He is Professor of molecular immunology in the Department.
Since I started my PhD in 2002 I have become very interested in reproductive immunology.
We welcome feedback regarding either the teaching of the immunology course or general questions on veterinary immunology.
Along the way we have discovered many new aspects of therapeutic immunology relevant to other projects.
Computational prediction methods have enormous potential for the future of clinical and experimental immunology.
Please phone the granulocyte immunology laboratory to discuss these cases in advance.
Additional HPA typing can be performed on request, please discuss with the platelet immunology laboratory.
Transplantation immunology The Department of Immunology has a long track record in transplantation immunology.
Currently I am on the editorial board of parasite immunology to give statistical advice to submitted papers.
Before performing fetal sampling and requesting these investigations, please contact the platelet immunology laboratory.
The association is formed by veterinarians with a special interest in allergy and immunology problems in small and large animals.
This type of engineering involves the use of biological substances and the application of engineering principles to the fields of protein chemistry, immunology, molecular biology, cytology, pharmacology, microbiology and biochemistry.