Youth; the condition of being immature or not fully grown
A condescending tone reveals a level of immaturity in a person.
It's rude and shows immaturity and selfishness.
Often immaturity rises from a lack of self-respect or insecurity.
Its striated plumage also favours this view, as an evidence of permanent immaturity or generalization of form, since striped feathers are so often the earliest clothing of many of these birds, which only get rid of them at their first moult.
Several rapids and the Falls of St Anthony (determining the site of Minneapolis) are signs of immaturity, resulting from superposition through the drift on the under rock.
In some species the adults assume a darkcoloured head every breeding-season, in others any trace of dark colour is the mark of immaturity.
The onset of puberty is the physical manifestation showing a change from childhood immaturity to adulthood maturity has begun.
This is due in part to their small size as well as the immaturity of their digestive and immune systems.
It seems to be a sign of developmental immaturity, and it subsides as the baby grows older.
C-section is generally the delivery mode of choice for premature babies due to the other risks these infants face (such as lung immaturity).
Adolescence is a time of moving from the immaturity of childhood into the maturity of adulthood.
Infants born prematurely may experience major complications due to their low birth weight and the immaturity of their organ systems.
It goes on to caution that extenuating factors could exist, such as immaturity, habitual, or psychological problems.
Increased motor skills, immaturity, and lack of experience also place the toddler at risk for accidental injury.
A lack of hair may be associated with youth or immaturity, depending on the man's other physical characteristics.
While some of blame may be on your lack of sensitivity and immaturity, some of the blame is hers to bear.
This is understandable on her part, but it is also a demonstration of her immaturity.
Virgo males do like a little challenge; what they don't like is immaturity.
Wherever its operations can be traced, they are dominated by the conviction that all stirrings of independence must be repressed, and any advance beyond the stage of immaturity and nonage checked at the outset.
Oligomenorrhea that occurs in adolescents is often caused by immaturity or lack of synchronization between the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and ovaries.
Whether you are just entering the dating scene, or you're a seasoned player in the dating game, using the word ''mature'' implies that you are ready to skip the drama that often tags along with immaturity.
In 1726 Defoe published a curious and amusing little pamphlet entitled Everybody's Business is Nobody's Business, or Private Abuses Public Grievances, exemplified in the Pride, Insolence, and Exorbitant Wages of our Women-Servants, Footmen, &c. This subject was a favourite one with him, and in the pamphlet he showed the immaturity of his political views by advocating legislative interference in these matters.
The doctrine of eternal punishment has been opposed on many grounds, such as the disproportion between the offence and the penalty, the moral world should prepare itself for the descent of the and religious immaturity of the majority of men at death, the diminution of the happiness of heaven involved in the knowledge of the endless suffering of others (Schleiermacher), the defeat of the divine purpose of righteousness and grace that the continued antagonism of any of God's creatures would imply, the dissatisfaction God as Father must feel until His whole family is restored.