Able to be imagined; conceivable
He must also acquire the ability to handle bees judiciously and well under all imaginable conditions.
Emily loves reading and isn't picky; she'll read a book in any genre imaginable.
To secure for itself all those lands it used every imaginable and unimaginable method, including bribery, fraud and coercion.
He.d meant to make her safe and left her to the worst fate imaginable.
It pains and it heals, it wakens me while it lulls me to the most peaceful sleep imaginable.
The flourishing discipline of artificial life is based on the most remarkably pure abstraction imaginable.
But for a very considerable minority, it was the greatest imaginable affront.
Jason Cousins Saw Red windsor got the best start imaginable when they won a free kick 30 yards from the Bracknell goal.
New sporting clubs also sprang up covering almost every physical activity imaginable.
The going low down is quite appalling; grassy tussocks interspersed with boggy holes giving some of the slowest progress imaginable.
Marco Island holidays provide visitors with splendid facilities for fishing, golf, tennis, kayaking and every imaginable watersport.
If you took all of the imaginable tones that a human can hear and combined them together, you would have white noise.
The country around is the dreariest imaginable, the surface is a dead level, there is no heavy timber and practically no settlement.
These also come in every color imaginable.
Skinz takes care of this problem by offering a plethora of men's swimsuits in every category imaginable!
El Coche, only a 20minute boat trip offers the flattest water imaginable, learning has never been easier!
Posters were hung on the walls of cats doing everything imaginable including, of course, the infamous " Hang in there, baby!
Along its dark aisles innumerable little shops sold everything imaginable, from matches to precious stones.
The computer revolution in digital audio has created new possibilities for musical composition and research that were scarcely imaginable a decade ago.
We read also that some of them were getting drunk at the Lord's table - it's hardly imaginable!
But Defense Minister Peter Struck said already last week that a vote in favor was " basically not imaginable anymore.
For him it is better by far than anything else imaginable.
Today also Northern Ireland has seen more peace, stability and progress than was ever imaginable 10 years ago.
As we sped down the motorway, every thought imaginable ran through my mind.
Given the most extensive data set imaginable, I cannot reconstruct the world from it.
See the boxes is such a geico boat insurance imaginable he says o provides presort.
Part 2 is a visual analog scale - 0 being worst imaginable and 100 being best imaginable health status.
We found a cab station manned by a rastafarian smoking the biggest spliff imaginable.
If this view of his optimism be correct, Shaftesbury, as Mill says of Leibnitz, must be regarded as maintaining, not that this is the best of all imaginable but only of all possible worlds.
These latter exist in wondrous number and variety, exercising every imaginable form of good work - education, both primary and secondary; the care of hospitals, orphanages, penitentiaries, prisons; of asylums for the blind, the deaf and dumb, the insane; of refuges for the aged poor and the destitute.
The Omayyads were accused by their numerous missionaries of every imaginable vice; in their hands Islam was not safe; it would be a godly work to extirpate them from the earth.
He sired five illegitimate children by his various housekeepers, despite, it is said, being repulsive in every imaginable way.
We 're proud to be the world 's most trusted source of information on every topic imaginable when it comes to coaching soccer.
Emily loves reading and isn't picky; she'll read a book in anygenreimaginable.
Today, gift cards are available movies, restaurants and nearly every store imaginable, making them easy to customize to each individual on your list.
The remixed Tequila Sunrise made with orange juice led to dozens of variations made with every kind of spirit imaginable, including the Vodka Sunrise and the Southern Comfort Sunrise.
A train trip on the Orient Express, relaxing on the bluest water imaginable or enjoying the European lifestyle are just a few of the many vacation opportunities offered.
At one time, discussions of individualism and independence were limited to history and social studies classes, but in the past few decades, people started using the term to explain just about any behavior imaginable.
Cabinet and door knobs come in every imaginable color and material, and a large variety of shapes.
Area rugs are available in almost every color imaginable in a wide variety of designs that will work with absolutely any style of home decor.
With virtual room design, you can design a complete room with every detail imaginable, including flooring options, furnishings, lighting, colors, textures and more.
These makeup tables are available in every style imaginable, from modern to classic.
The following palette works for every skin tone imaginable and flatters all brides to be. has courses in every imaginable area, from heavy-duty programming and computer design courses to more lighthearted fare like music, opera, and art history.
You can find inexpensive acrylic paint in every color imaginable at your local craft store.
If money is no object, there are many different online retailers offering beautiful digital scrapbook papers and embellishments for every type of theme imaginable.
These Wishblade files allow scrappers to design and cut virtually any type of font or image imaginable.
Instead, they just wear them tight, sporting every different graphic design imaginable.
The company manufactures hundreds of prom dresses each year in every style and print imaginable.
In cities like New York and Los Angeles, there is every imaginable kind of restaurant, and vegetarian cuisine is no exception.