The luminous flux incident on unit area of a surface; measured in lux or lumens.
Add or change lights to provide more even illuminance.
For this study the lighting control was defined with a set point of 500 lux as the required illuminance for office use.
The average horizontal illuminance over the whole area on the unobstructed floor should not be less than 1 lux.
We also should be looking to challenge the concept of an average maintained illuminance across the working plane.
Both dawns had a maximum illuminance of 275 lux.
Can be used to determine the direct illuminance on a plane.
For example, they may insist on a higher illuminance.
In some cases T5 tubes are even cheaper because of their slightly lower illuminance.
Design service illuminance is derived from the standard service illuminance by taking account of the modifying factors contained in the flow chart.
Standby schemes may be to provide from 5% to 100% of the design service illuminance according to circumstances.
Measurements include directional luminous intensity, illuminance of lamps and meters, luminance of sources and meters and total luminous flux.
The larger OUT cell, also in a cosine corrected mount, is used to measure the illuminance from a whole overcast hemisphere.