The state or condition of being illegitimate
The percentage of illegitimacy is about 7.
Deliverance from the pantheistic conception of the universe comes through the recognition of the central place occupied by thought and purpose in the actual world, and, as a consequence of this, of the illegitimacy of the abstraction whereby material energy is taken for the ultimate reality.
A year later the child was placed under the protection of King Inge, after whose death in 1217 he was chosen king; though until 1223 the church refused to recognize him, on the ground of illegitimacy, and the Pope's dispensation for his coronation was not gained until much later.
Illegitimacy is highest in Bavaria (about 15%), Berlin (14%), and over 12% in Saxony, MecklenburgSchwerin and Saxe-Meiningen.
The percentage of illegitimacy is high as a whole, although in some of the rural districts it is very low.
Not only was he under the stain of illegitimacy, but his succession excluded the future succession of Mary, whose husband, the prince of Orange, was the hope of Protestant Europe.
An alias, often abbreviated to ' als ' in the registers did not always denote illegitimacy, however.
According to William, Athelstan's alleged illegitimacy was the grounds that one Alfred used in an attempt to prevent Athelstan being crowned.
Much on the media is promoting promiscuity, maligning marriage, and encouraging illegitimacy.
Modern society has challe.g.d negative stereotypes about identity e.g. illegitimacy, race.
The real causes include political illegitimacy, corruption and gross macroeconomic mismanagement.
My mother hid her own illegitimacy this way for a long time.
Being born out of wedlock of mixed race parentage implies a double illegitimacy and a highly precarious social existence.