Of or pertaining to the ilium.
This is done by letting such matter flow out of the iliac arteries out of a partly sealed lower anastomosis.
This, when fully developed, consists of two parts, but inserted by a single ribbon-like tendon upon the hinder surface of the femur, near the end of its first third; the caudal part, femoro-caudalis, expressed by Garrod by the symbol A, arises from transverse processes of the tail; the iliac part (accessorofemoro-caudal of Garrod, with the symbol B), arises mostly from the outer surface of the postacetabular ilium.
Of course this doubleheaded condition is the more primitive, and as such exists in most nidifugous birds, but in many of these, as well as in many nidicolous birds, either the caudal or the iliac head is absent, and in a very few (Cancroma, Dicholophus, Steatornis and some Cathartes) the whole muscle is absent.
The young when in the nest are clad in down of a dirty white, varied with grey on the head and neck, and with ochraceous in the iliac region.
Squeeze the left thigh muscles to force blood from branches of the iliac artery up the main vessel.
The highest point of the iliac crest in this position is slightly posterior to the gravity line.
In many cases a mass of stool may be felt in the left iliac fossa.
They are blocked by an injection of local anesthetic between internal and external oblique muscles just medial to the anterior superior iliac spine.
When using frames that support the anterior superior iliac spines, the lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh may be compressed and stretched.
He concisely cites (p. 238) no fewer than eight other characters of more or less value as peculiar to the Carinate Division, the first of which is that the feathers have their barbs furnished with hooks, in consequence of which the barbs, including those of the wing-quills, cling closely together; while among the rest may be mentioned the position of the furcula and coracoids, 4 which keep the wing-bones apart; the limitation of the number of the lumbar vertebra to fifteen, and of the carpals to two; as well as the divergent direction of the iliac bones - the corresponding characters peculiar to the Ratite Division being the disconnected condition of the barbs of the feathers, through the absence of any hooks whereby they might cohere; the non-existence of the furcula, and the coalescence of the coracoids with the scapulae (or, as he expressed it, the extension of the scapulae to supply the place of the coracoids, which he thought were wanting); the lumbar vertebrae being twenty and the carpals three in number; and the parallelism of the iliac bones.
Nail-patella syndrome is also known as Fong disease, hereditary onycho-osteodysplasia (HOOD), Iliac Horn syndrome, and Turner-Kieser syndrome.
Posterior superior iliac spine Ureter Great sciatic notch Vas deferens; Spine of ischium Vas deferens Seminal vesicle Bladder wall Levator ani Prostate 9, ?