If your car sounds iffy, you get it sorted.
I drank a lot of free drink and ate some slightly iffy food, although the deserts were rather good.
Jones and Richie were iffy on the idea, especially Richie, who owns the publishing rights to the song.
If they want me. ' ' seems a bit iffy to me. ' ' Maybe you want to come?
So why should I feel so iffy about the way I spent this day full of wild rainbows up to 21 inches?
Impressed Seacoast Banking Corporation of Florida with chrysler's of to percent and tropic craft becomes iffy.
I was very iffy about Will Smith, but I've seen some footage of it and Will Smith looks amazing.
They looked decidedly iffy in the air that's for sure and there was hope there for the Reds.
Gary Neville will miss out for sure, and Rio Ferdinand is still iffy after a hamstring tweak.
But it was a wet and blustery morning and the prospects looked distinctly iffy.
Your Sheriff has an iffy reputation with some of my guys down there and they think they can round up a judge to get a search warrant.
The dive centers are generally open April October, getting a bit iffy at either end.
In the event of the weather looking iffy, we will make a decision on playing on the evening itself.
Make sure you take the time to find one you really like, as you are much more likely to practice on an instrument you love than on one you're iffy about.
So if you're iffy on whether to make the purchase, try renting the game first or just bum it from a friend.
Severance pay is iffy, and definitely not a must.
At that point, the iffy parts of human history are behind us and it is blue skies and clean sailing ahead.