Any of various techniques that use water, either externally or internally, for the treatment of disease and for the soothing of pain.
There are tubs for two and even hydrotherapy tubs with a side door for easy access.
Celebrity's spa facilities are the first to offer extensive acupuncture treatments along with other exotic indulgences such as hot rock massages and hydrotherapy treatment rooms.
For more relaxing fitness, spa treatments include the hydrotherapy pool, aromatherapy sessions, hot stone massages, wraps, and facials.
The Corley Canine Pool, located in England, blazed the trail when it comes to the benefits of hydrotherapy for dogs.
Although there are no certification programs in canine hydrotherapy, Kolaj developed a three-year training program for those wishing to obtain employment at her facility.
Juie Kolaj is a pioneer in the development of hydrotherapy for dogs, and the dogs and the owners are the ones who benefit most from her techniques.
Canine hydrotherapy promotes healing for both the dog and its human companion.
Massive indoor/outdoor hot tubs offer hydrotherapy jets and soothing 100-degree water temperatures.
Contrast hydrotherapy can also be very beneficial for pain relief.
Hydrotherapy may ease the emotional stress of recovering from trauma.
Ridding the body of toxins is believed to be aided by hydrotherapy (bathing regularly in water containing baking soda, sea salt or Epsom salts).
Hydrotherapy can include a constitutional effect where the body's vital force is stimulated and all organ systems are revitalized.
If possible, applying contrast hydrotherapy to an extremity (e.g., a hand or foot) of a fractured area can assist healing by enhancing circulation.
The doctor may also recommend hydrotherapy, heat treatments, and other forms of physical therapy.
Therapeutic baths are one form of hydrotherapy, which is a general term for the internal or external use of water for medical treatment.
It includes aromatherapy, homeopathy, hydrotherapy, juice therapy, acupuncture, chiropractic, osteopathy, naturopathic medicine, and Chinese traditional herbal medicine.
Except when injury is minimal, treatment generally requires a hospital stay of several days, during which hydrotherapy and physical therapy are used to restore the affected part to health.
Bathing the affected part in warm water or using contrast hydrotherapy can help enhance circulation.
Contrast hydrotherapy involves a series of hot and cold water applications.
Comfort techniques including relaxation techniques, massage techniques, position changes, and hydrotherapy.
Services include massage, hydrotherapy, body care, facials, and more.
For the previous twenty years the NHS had lost interest in hydrotherapy using natural mineral waters, believing that tap water was equally efficacious.
The work covers a wide range of duties including hydrotherapy.
The positive affects of having colon hydrotherapy can be immediate.
We were offered hydrotherapy for my daughter by her physio.
A contract arrangement with Westcountry Ambulance Trust was modified to allow patients to attend hydrotherapy at St Austell.
Both of these facts could be behind the growing popularity of colonic hydrotherapy, available at Hydro Detox in the Lincoln Complementary Medical Center.
As yet there is no formal study or course for canine hydrotherapy but the CHA is actively exploring formal training and qualification options.
The addition of a warm air hydrotherapy spa will make this the bath of your dreams!
Patients had maintained health gains achieved during NHS hydrotherapy sessions.
The benefits of hydrotherapy pools for special needs clients is well documented.
If I don't use the hydrotherapy spa for a while, will water in the pipes go foul?
If I do n't use the hydrotherapy spa for a while, will water in the pipes go foul?
He had been a student of European methods of naturopathy and brought the technique of hydrotherapy to the United States from Germany.
While in training, hydrotherapists trained at the Corley pool accept that this will be their full time job while they learn all the reasons, illnesses, and conditions that can affect a dog, as well as how hydrotherapy can help.
Most laboring women need other comfort techniques such as aromatherapy, massage, birthing ball use, position changes, hot/cold therapy, hydrotherapy, hypnosis/meditation/imagery, or even acupressure to help with childbirth.
We have a brand new pool locally with beautifully warm water and so I decided to give hydrotherapy a try.
The list of alternative treatments for carbohydrate intolerance includes aromatherapy, homeopathy, hydrotherapy, juice therapy, acupuncture, chiropractic, osteopathy, naturopathic medicine, and Chinese traditional herbal medicine.
Contrast hydrotherapy (hot and cold compresses, alternating three minutes hot, 30 seconds cold, repeated three times always ending with cold) applied directly over the sinuses can relieve pressure and enhance healing.
There are many alternative therapies that may help in the treatment of mood disorders, including acupuncture, botanical medicine, homeopathy, aromatherapy, constitutional hydrotherapy, and light therapy.