Done in a hurry; rushed.
To do things quickly.
He's hurrying because he's late.
Often with up, to speed up the rate of doing something.
If you don't hurry (up) you won't finish on time.
To cause to be done quickly.
To hasten; to impel to greater speed; to urge on.
To impel to precipitate or thoughtless action; to urge to confused or irregular activity.
To put: to convey coal in the mine, e.g. from the working to the tramway.
She hurried to her bathroom.
She grabbed her blanket and hurried down stairs.
As soon as breakfast was over we hurried off to the shore.
She covered her mouth and hurried away.
She hurried to him.
She hurried from between the two warring factions and hugged her.
Carmen hurried over to Destiny.
She inched closer to the point where he'd appeared then hurried by to the edge of the forest.
Multiple pairs of feet hurried down the hall and Connie was the first one through the door.
Testing her ankle in a pair of low heels, she nodded silent approval and hurried down the hall.
Jonathan hurried off to bible class and it was Carmen's turn to help out with the infants, so she took Destiny with her.
So he quickly finished the shoeing, and the groom hurried to lead the horse to the king.
I hurried the preparations for our departure as much as possible, and here we are.
Quinn was flipping the pancakes when Martha hurried down the stairs.
She hurried after him, glancing nervously at the jumble of rocks and trees.
She pulled her arm free and hurried to the house.
Deidre hurried into the shadow world.
Rhyn tested the bonds of his cell again until a mage in a brown robe hurried down the hall to repair the damage.
He replaced the receiver and hurried to his room.
Unable to find her voice, she hurried around him to the table where she'd left her coat.
Several times the telephone rang and he hurried to answer it as if he were expecting a call.
As soon as Howie emerged from the basement we all hurried into the living room and stood around, expectantly.
She hurried to catch up.
Brave men left their homes and hurried toward Boston.
At his affirmative nod, she hurried to her room and changed into jeans and sneakers before he could change his mind.
Suspecting Ving had made a couple of hurried phone calls, she let the call go to voicemail.
Selyn hurried across the room to a pad of paper and pen that Wynn had clearly left behind, if his tight writing on the back cover was any indication.
Me too, thought Dean as the hall phone rang and Cynthia hurried in to answer it.
He gave a wave but no further comment as he hurried to his Jeep and left.
They hurried to the ground floor.
Rhyn growled at the robed man, who hurried away.
A gust of cold, night air swept past her, and she hurried out.
Slipping into her sandals, she hurried down the hall.
Wind and rain slashed at her as she reached the kitchen doorway and she hurried into the house.
She clawed her way into a sweatshirt as she hurried to the door.
He fished his keys out of her pocket and hurried her towards the parking lot.
He didn't look to be in a mood for questions, so she hurried past him to her room, Pierre trailing.
After a hurried shower, he dressed and joined his silent wife in serving the gathering guests.
Kiera offered a smile and hurried past them, heart pounding and face red with embarrassment.
Jackson grabbed a cup of coffee and hurried off to shower.
But the government of Bombay had hurried on a rupture with the Mahratta confederacy at a time when France was on the point of declaring war against England, and when the mother-country found herself unable to subdue her rebellious colonists in America.
The king sat down by the fire, and the woman hurried to get things ready for supper.
I could hear confusion and hurried voices in the background and someone yelled, 'they're here, come on'.
Talon shoved her back into the valley with a snarled threat under his breath, and she hurried out of the trough again, breathing hard by the time she'd clambered twenty feet to the top.
She hurried into the house and shed her boots and coat as fast as she could.
She snatched her bag and hurried home, not reflecting on her behavior until she tossed her coat on the bed.
Han eyed her as she hurried past him toward the library.
When he finished, she nodded and hurried away.
Hannah.s fiancé hurried to the waiting Hummer.
As if reading her intentions, Hannah forced herself out of her shock and hurried to the low-burning hearth.