One who hugs or embraces.
To conceal; to lurk in ambush.
The front features a diamante heart accent, but it's the back of this hip hugger that's the real show stopper!
Featuring a criss-cross opening, this hip hugger exposes your tush's cleavage at its provocative best; a sexy little thing indeed!
In the course of investigating, the Executive Officer Kane (John Hurt) is attacked by a 'face hugger', a small many-legged creature that wraps itself around his face.
Alex is a hugger.
The soundtrack is packed, hugger mugger with voices bombarding him with their folkloric wisdom.
Techno Classic-Suitable from birth and featuring four seat positions, this stroller also comes standard with a head hugger.
In addition to the on-air network, Planet Green TV has an online presence at Planet as well an affiliate-content relationship with the very popular green news site Tree Hugger.
Pair a triangle top or halter top with any number of bottoms, including tie-thong, hip hugger, Euro bottom, Brazilian cut bottom and tie-scrunch.
Amazon carries the Beach Hugger, a compact blanket built for two with two built-in foam pillows for comfortable dozing.
There, you'll have the choice of a triangle top and thong bottom, or a triangle top and hip hugger bottom.
The Hugger Mugger Tapas Performance Mat comes in 72 and 84 inch lengths for the taller yogi.
Use tacky glue to attach shapes and letter to the can hugger in the desired design.
If you are making a beanie for the first time, Bidda's Head Hugger is a great one to try.
In this category, try the Satin Lace-Up Hip hugger.