In a manner showing no hope
Dorvad the lazy mate hopelessly missed his Queen Sinthee.
Sure, she was willing enough to forget the idea, but then, she was hopelessly in love with him.
When first discovered, in 1817, these frescoes were in a fair state of preservation, but they have since been allowed to go hopelessly to ruin.
In his earlier writings he was regarded as one of the greatest champions of the non-jurors; but the doctrine which he afterwards promulgated, that the soul is naturally mortal, and that immortality could be enjoyed only by those who had received baptism from the hands of one set of regularly ordained clergy, and was therefore a privilege from which dissenters were hopelessly excluded, did not strengthen his reputation.
As she leant hopelessly against a wall, it miraculously fell inwards to make a niche for her.
Such a theory as that just mentioned hopelessly fails to account for the linguistic unity of the book.
The cavalry gradually became hopelessly entangled among the squares they were unable to break, and at last they were driven down the face of the ridge and the most dramatic part of the battle came to an end.
Since the last election in the spring of 1908 the Bohemian Diet had been unworkable, eventually owing to obstruction on the part of the Germans, who saw themselves handed over hopelessly to the Czech majority, until a rearrangement of the voting groups (curiae) should afford them protection against Czech oppression.
But Metternich wavered on the question of Saxony, and December saw the allies hopelessly at difference.
The untrustworthiness of Chronicles - briefly admitted by Luther - he proved in detail, and so cleared the way for that truer view of the history and religion of Israel which the treatment of Chronicles as a trustworthy record of the past hopelessly obscured.
The king being dead, and the royalist cause appearing to be hopelessly lost, he did not scruple, in closing the work with a general " Review and Conclusion," to raise the question of the subject's right to change allegiance when a former sovereign's power to protect was irrecoverably gone.
The line of the defenders was unusually dense; Edward, in forming up on an equal front with greatly superior numbers, found his army almost hopelessly cramped.
As to this necessity, however, the ministry was in fact hopelessly divided.
The power of the great minister was, however, spent; his ministry was hopelessly discredited.
In or near Iioo B.C., Chou Kung, an able mathematician, determined with surprising accuracy the obliquity of the ecliptic; but his attempts to estimate the sun's distance failed hopelessly as being grounded on belief in the flatness of the earth.
The convention adjourned to Baltimore, where the Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, Kentucky and Maryland delegations left it, and where Douglas was nominated for the presidency by the Northern Democrats; he campaigned vigorously but hopelessly, boldly attacking disunion, and in the election, though he received a popular vote of 1,376,957, he received an electoral vote of only 12 - Lincoln receiving 180.
The marriage was not a happy one, and after the birth of a son incompatibility of temper led to a separation, the count retiring to his estate on the Indre, where by an extravagant course of living he became hopelessly involved in debt.
At the subsequent elections held in March 1892 he was returned for the county of Bonaventure, but his party was hopelessly defeated.
Over against these passages stand others of a hopelessly pessimistic character, wherein, alike as to Israel's I Ryssel has adopted Charles's restoration of the text in these passages and practically also in xliv.
This time Sigismondo had blundered; for the cause of Anjou was hopelessly ruined in Italy.
While she calls for activity and alliances to fight the TNCs, she is hopelessly vague about what kind of action is needed.
I asked my friend Philip, who is hopelessly addicted to the things, what he thought.
But it's not long before Blackwell is hopelessly befuddled by Pathan's third slower ball in four deliveries.
I have never deleted an email, sent or received, so that my in and out boxes are now hopelessly clogged.
Will the children of such unions be enriched by the dual heritage that they have, or be hopelessly confused?
So no one could find out that BRS has, at its very core, hopelessly corrupted logic?
The idea of a mechanical pump is not only hopelessly simplistic, but also flat-out misconceived.
Some would say that I already live in that society, while others would say that I'm being hopelessly idealistic.
The supply of drugs even under the oil for food program is still hopelessly inadequate.
Only, they turn out to be hopelessly incompetent at that task too.
Perhaps May has been hopelessly insane from the start.
Each rationalization is consistent with itself, but they are hopelessly inconsistent with each other.
People are going hungry while ever increasing numbers of animals are fed huge amounts of food in a hopelessly inefficient system.
Acting as an election commissioner, Mr Mawrey called the system " hopelessly insecure " .
He says that the club was hopelessly insolvent from the date of the demand.
But nuclear weapons are hopelessly irrelevant to that terrorist threat.
The keeper was left hopelessly stranded as Chris Moore beat him with a deft 10-yard lob into the empty net.
Never have two people been so hopelessly miscast or has an original novel been so badly adapted.
The interpretation of the Marduk texts is also hopelessly misconceived.
Children become hopelessly addicted, social misfits trapped in an electronic never-never land.
Now our affairs are hopelessly muddled by strong, silent men.
But it is just hopelessly naive to expect the US to behave routinely like some sort of global philanthropist.
Only the hopelessly naïve or willfully obtuse can believe that these were the real motives for the war.
The Portuguese maestro was involved in United's third, bamboozling the hopelessly outclass Posh fullback to cross at the near post.
The systems in each area were also hopelessly outdated.
More than ever, it will be compelled to participate on the world market, where its products are hopelessly outgunned.
This way nobody is hopelessly outmatched against the same player for very long.
Rommel put tank against tank - but his men were hopelessly outnumbered.
He had to drive several times through the hopelessly overcrowded heart of the city.
They have a real giddy horror of stars and seas, as a man has on the edge of a hopelessly high precipice.