Honorific alternative letter-case form of his, sometimes used when referring to God or another important figure who is understood from context.
That which belongs to him; the possessive case of he, used without a following noun.
The decision was his to live with.
Nurturing was in his personality.
His voice was soft.
Would you like to read his speech?
She stopped and gazed up at his face.
As they continued toward the house, he cleared his throat.
Then a little man jumped out of the basket, took off his tall hat, and bowed very gracefully to the crowd of Mangaboos around him.
He leaped from his horse.
I didn't ask about his family tree.
His eyes mocked her.
Lowering his head, his lips touched hers.
Why should they eat their sixty acres, when man is condemned to eat only his peck of dirt?
Alex gently turned her around and took her into his arms.
He laughed at that, and his laugh was merry and frank.
It is his money.
To be fair, his father hadn't made things any better by offering money to Alex and not his sister.
Alex had been the one who helped her see them as true family, and yet he was having issues accepting his own father.
The man with the star regarded her with his calm, expressionless eyes.
Maybe his father favored boys.
His smile was relieved.
His voice was husky.
Apparently his greatest concern was the fact that his mother was married to his adoptive father at the time he was conceived.
His tail was short and scraggly, and his harness had been broken in many places and fastened together again with cords and bits of wire.
Was he actually avoiding conversation with his father?
His gaze was reflective.
Instead, he drew a leathern case from his pocket and took from it several sharp knives, which he joined together, one after another, until they made a long sword.
Taking her in his arms, he held her close for a moment and then planted a kiss on her forehead.
Once again he lowered his head, but this time his lips lingered on hers, searching for a response.
His brows shot up.
The vicomte told his tale very neatly.
His warm lips brushed her forehead.
Alex was watching her, his expression unreadable.
To him, it was no different than artificially inseminating a cow at his clinic... well, the concept wasn't.
His gaze traveled over her as she climbed out of her jeans.
That she doubted, but his tone was confident.
His hand dropped to her shoulder and he squeezed it.
That pleased smile was on his lips again and his eyes held a glint of humor.
Finally he sat up, a glint of humor in his eyes.
I think Alex makes a concentrated effort to drive his father crazy.
She cuddled close to him and lifted her face for his affection.
From there the horse dashed in and out of the poles and came to a stop on his haunches.
His gaze lifted innocently to Carmen.
Señor Medena put his fork down and folded his hands.
His expression was reflective as he continued to regard her.
Jonathan was watching them, his mouth hanging open.
He was growing up and she needed to keep that in mind - and some things off his mind.
He grinned, the dimple playing below one of his twinkling eyes.
He looked even more distinguished than usual in his Spanish garb.
His grin was infectious.
Carmen avoided his hands, turning to the closet.
The boy flicked the big, boney horse with his whip and looked thoughtful.