Honorific alternative letter-case form of him, sometimes used when referring to God or another important figure who is understood from context.
A male person.
I think this bird is a him, but it may be a her.
A masculine pronoun; he as a grammatical object.
Used reflexively: (to) himself.
With nominative effect: he, especially as a predicate after be, or following a preposition.
They could not give him any help.
Looking down at him, she sighed.
Alex smiled down at him in a reassuring way.
So they politely bade him good day, and went back to the outer cavern to resume their journey.
The big boy looked at him and blew it again.
I gave him some orange juice.
You're not like him, and I'm glad.
Then the king called one of the wisest scholars in Egypt and asked him what the word meant.
I sent him round to the Planters'.
He knew the way to it, and a servant followed him, carrying his satchel.
He was a very old man, bent nearly double; but the queerest thing about him was his white hair and beard.
The whistle did not please him any more.
The boy looked around him with wondering eyes.
He knew that she did not wish him to go.
Let him who has work to do recollect that the object of clothing is, first, to retain the vital heat, and secondly, in this state of society, to cover nakedness, and he may judge how much of any necessary or important work may be accomplished without adding to his wardrobe.
The beast was very close to him now.
I called him Black Beauty, as I had just read the book, and he resembled his namesake in every way, from his glossy black coat to the white star on his forehead.
It meant a good deal to him to secure a home like this.
Alex introduced Jonathan and their welcome to him was equally warm.
She gave him a coy smile.
Lisa stared at him.
She could count his ribs easily where they showed through the skin of his body, and his head was long and seemed altogether too big for him, as if it did not fit.
He asked her to go back to Houston with him, enticing her with rides on the beach - and love all night.
But he did not wish the little girl to think him a coward, so he advanced slowly to the edge of the roof.
This dog helped him watch the sheep.
He was only a little more weather-beaten than when I saw him last.
In the closets he discovered many fancy costumes of rich velvets and brocades, and one of the attendants told him to dress himself in any of the clothes that pleased him and to be prepared to dine with the Princess and Dorothy in an hour's time.
This made him very proud of his skill.
She made a face at him.
She said, watching him.
Take him along just in case.
For a moment she surrendered to his warm lips and secure embrace, clinging to him as her heart stepped up pace.
The boy who sat beside him was his son.
Tessa was the girl who left him standing at the altar once.
She stared at him.
His enemy, Henry, who wished to be king, was pressing him hard.
Anna Pavlovna arranged a group round him, inviting everyone to listen to his tale.
The latter spared him, and this magnanimity Bonaparte subsequently repaid by death.
It simply wasn't like him to be rude like that.
Something about the way Felipa was smiling up at him suggested she was anticipating a good night kiss.
Gerald had to leave, but you met him.
Still, the romancing was so much a part of him that it was as if he wasn't even Alex.
The next morning when he stood by the door before leaving for work, she looked him over while he examined a document.
For the first time the memory of how he reacted when she told him she was pregnant wasn't a painful one.
She wanted me to tell him - and you.
How embarrassing it must be for him.
Zeb shook the reins and urged him to go, but Jim was stubborn.
Eureka quickly followed him, and soon they were all standing together upon the platform, with eight of the much prized wooden wings beside them.
Princess Ozma once brought him to life with a witch-powder, when she was a boy.
He walked up and down the river bank, leading his horse behind him; but he kept his eyes turned always toward the dim, dark spot which he knew was the old North Church.