To play the harlot; to practice lewdness.
(now uncommon) Wanton; lewd; low; base.
His wife is the Harlot or the Woman of Whoredom.
A poor harlot was struck down by the word.
There followed the Renunciation, primitive enough in form, but the postulant solemnly renounced, not Satan and his works and pomp, but the harlot church of the persecutors, whose prayers were more deadly than desirable.
It was the prerogative of the harlot throughout the ages.
It had been two years since their mother had died - three since their father had run off with that harlot.
Mab - the cowboy way to call someone a harlot.
Indeed, he gloried in the inherent and divine unreasonableness of Christianity, and brutally denounced reason as a cunning fool, " a pretty harlot."
For a spirit of harlotry has led them astray, and they have left their God to play the harlot.
She pretends to be the chaste spouse of Christ; and in the seventeenth chapter she is called the harlot.
Hosea even married a harlot to make a point about how bad the people were for worshipping false Gods.
Mary took leave of her first and last master with passionate anguish and many parting kisses; but in face of his enemies, and in hearing of the cries which burst from the ranks, demanding her death by fire as a murderess and harlot, the whole heroic and passionate spirit of the woman, represented by her admirers as a spiritless imbecile, flamed out in responsive threats to have all the men hanged and crucified, in whose power she now stood helpless and alone.
He observes, " Romanism is the great harlot.
She was a common harlot, a strumpet, thrown out of Glasgow by the old city fathers.