To hark back, to return or revert (to a subject, etc.), to allude to, to evoke, to long or pine for (a past event or era).
(obsolete except poetic) To hear (something) with attention; to have regard to (something).
To listen; to attend or give heed to what is uttered; to hear with attention, compliance, or obedience.
To enquire; to seek information.
The larger bathing suits favored in the U.S. probably harken back to the Puritan founders of the country.
Harken back to the femininity of old and wear your girdle with confidence.
Kasey's voice and musical style harken back to the days of divas singing on piano tops.
These swimsuits, some would ague, harken back to a time and place where the world was a bit more simple and where a woman's body still conveyed an air of mystery.
A cat's response to certain stimuli may harken back to her ancestor's days in the wild.