An erection of the penis.
She turned abruptly and pulling my head with one hand, kissed me hard on the mouth while her other hand groped between my legs!
Don't be too hard on Howard.
Don't be so hard on yourself.
She concentrated hard on another wilted flower, bringing it back to full bloom.
You shouldn't be so hard on yourself.
Darian staggered, dropped her, and landed hard on his backside.
She did as he said and pressed hard on the arrow wound until the bleeding slowed.
I know this is hard on you, but you'll soon see where you belong in this mess.
Yully's eyes closed, and she focused hard on feeling something other than Jule, whose presence still lingered in her body.
She shoved him away, landing hard on her backside while he careened into the bathroom wall.
She landed hard on a cold floor.
Terrified she'd find him in the tub, nothing more than a pile of bones, she pushed herself away from the wall and focused hard on calling a portal.
Focusing hard on Wynn, she willed the portal to appear.
She pulled hard on the rope, feeling some give, then tautness as the anchor lodged itself between unmovable objects.
She gasped, hope racing through her as he dove toward the ground, switched to his human form in mid-air, and landed hard on the stony island.s ground.
She closed her eyes to concentrate hard on summoning the portal to the shadow place.
Instead, he focused hard on cleaning up her blood and bandaging her arm before the scent drove him too wild to control himself.
He dropped fast and changed shapes too soon, landing hard on the ground near them.
She fell hard on her backside and saw her attacker's headless body land beside her.
Cynthia crossed over to her husband, took his face in her hands and kissed him, hard on the lips.
Because you are so hard on yourself.
She landed hard on her left side, pain flaring through her as her wrist twisted.
She pulled the water-breather down and focused hard on kicking her wooden legs.
A tingle of alarm went through Rhyn, but his head was too heavy for him to process it. Instead, he focused hard on containing the power within him. When he felt he wouldn't explode, he looked around. Darkyn had claimed Kris's library and stood near a pane of windows overlooking the snowy Alps.
Rhyn focused hard on the demon lord then on putting one foot, then the other, beneath his shaking body.
Toby closed his eyes, focusing hard on searching the memories of all the angels that came before him.
The assailant shoved Dean backwards, sitting him down hard on the concrete sidewalk as his head whacked the wall.
For one thing, because so many people are working so hard on it.
Sliding her hand inside his shirt collar, she worked it around to the back of his neck, pulling his lips down hard on hers.
And to think you once told me I was hard on the wildlife.
Let's not make this hard on anyone.
She landed hard on the soft ground.
She focused hard on the image of Bianca and braced herself for Jonny's fiery touch.
She landed hard on her back.
Arrows continued to fall, and he kicked the horse on in determination, focusing hard on the road ahead of them.
Panicked in the darkness, he bounded to his feet, tripped, and landed hard on his face.
I've been too hard on you.
She focused hard on the clasp, her senses filling with him.
As if sensing her doubt about how much of a jerk he was, he slapped her hard on the ass once more.
He slapped her hard on the ass.
Exactions at the expense of Hanover and Naples helped to lighten the burdens of French finance; Napoleon's sale of Louisiana to the United States early in 1803 for 60,000,000 francs brought further relief to the French treasury; and by pressing hard on his ally, Spain, he compelled her to exchange the armed help which he had a right to claim, for an annual subsidy of 2,880,000.
One can readily understand the popularity of the Crusades, when one reflects that they permitted men to get to the other world by fighting hard on earth, and allowed them to gain the fruits of asceticism by the ways of hedonism.
Napoleon entered the town hard on their heels, but the broken bridge caused a delay of four days, there being no pontoon trains with the army.
After this he supervised the administrative and financial duties in connexion with the French army which occupied the principal fortresses of Prussia, and was one of the chief agents through whom Napoleon pressed hard on that land.
One scandal followed hard on the other, and opposition naturally sprang up. Unfortunately, Savonarola, the head of that opposition, transgressed all bounds in his wellmeant zeal.
The archduke Albert, however, followed hard on his steps with an army of seasoned troops, and Maurice, with his communications cut, was forced to fight for his existence.
I accepted his invitation," added Bright, "and from that time we never ceased to labour hard on behalf of the resolution which we had made."
Although it handles hard on the back when fat, no breed except the old Horned Norfolk equals it in producing a saddle cut of mutton with such an abundance of lean red meat in proportion to fat.
Lankha was a lifesaver, but she didn't intend to spend the rest of her years being torn apart by some sadistic vampire with a hard on.
Focusing hard on not letting him affect her, she continued her game of seduction, teasing him with looks, touches, whispers, until Darian's body was rigid and his turmoil had melted into lust intense enough to make his eyes glow.