A small gun with a relatively short barrel, designed to be held and operated with a single hand.
Instead of answering, she raised her arm and steadied her breath, as if she were holding a handgun.
Rhyn's gaze went to Toby's backpack. The cold rain felt good against his hot skin, and he stripped down to his T-shirt in the frigid weather to buffer the heat and magic growing within his body. "This is supposed to incapacitate a demon," Kiki said and loaded a handgun with a small dart.
At around 10.50pm a man walked into the Happy Sing Chinese takeaway brandishing a small, silver handgun.
When in the Hockley Heath area the males produced a handgun and tried to take the vehicle.
Sergeant Stephenson glanced over to the male and saw a black handgun in his right hand.
A loaded handgun was recovered along with body armor worn by the suspects.
The gunman shot himself once in the head with a 9 mm semiautomatic handgun.
The essential element of a defensive handgun (apart from reliability) is convenient portability.
The raid uncovered one stun-gun, one tear-gas canister and one imitation handgun that fired blanks.
At the time, we were in possession of an 8mm Beretta replica handgun.
The gun was a reactivated blank firing 9mm handgun that was loaded.
If you're buying your first handgun, a handgun buyer's guide is an absolute necessity.
When you're shopping for a handgun, the first thing you need to do is consider how reliable it needs to be and what purpose you want it to serve.
If you'll be carrying the handgun in a holster, this isn't as much of a consideration.
A general handgun buyer's guide can't give you those guidelines because they vary from location to location.
In England, it's harder to have a handgun than a shotgun, which is commonly used for hunting.
A handgun buyer's guide can point you in the right direction once you decide how you need to use your gun and how reliable you need it to be.
Handgun Control focuses its vision on the safety of guns, as well as preventing handgun violence.
To learn more about federal handgun laws and ammunition laws, visit the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearm's website and review the "Frequently Asked Questions" page.