To revolve round a central point; to move spirally about an axis, as a tornado; to revolve.
You race BMX bikes around tracks performing stunts to impress naked girls which might net you an video with a gyrating stripper.
Try shaking and gyrating in the mirror to get the right movements the day before the contest, and make sure that your bathing suit won't migrate as you move around on stage.
Lord Mongo prowls mad angry in a quarry, adopting various guises and railing his gob against a gyrating void.
The nine-year old has comment that Madonna's gyrating dance in a leotard was "disgusting", and she has also voiced concerns that her mother may be gay after seeing the diva kiss Britney Spears during her concert.
In addition to its scream-inducing roller coasters and other gyrating, heart-pounding thrill rides, the park is also home to a massive water wonderland.