A sudden rapid outflow.
To flow forth suddenly, in great volume.
To send (something) flowing forth suddenly in great volume.
(especially of a woman) To ejaculate during orgasm.
To make an excessive display of enthusiasm, praise, or sentiment.
She let out the breath in a gush of air.
He decided that even if she sounded like a cat in heat, he would gush over her with praise.
Many may expect to see a gush of water when this occurs, but this rarely happens.
This fluid may come out in a large gush or a small trickle.
My mother, tho Welsh, often told me, ' I ca n't gush.
Her gush made Katie feel old and crotchety.
Even if the high waters then gush over the new bank, there is a drainage ditch behind it to catch the overflow.
The bag of waters may leak slowly or may suddenly burst, and there is a gush of fluid.
The water may come out gradually, in subtle trickles, or, rarely, it can come out in an unmistakable gush.
After taking a moment to gush over the new Alina Spring line, LovetoKnow recently leapt at the opportunity to interview the founders of Alina handbags, Alina Garcia and Yamilia Halfon.
While this well-known indicator conjures dramatic images, the fluids do not always appear in the unmistakable gush many people associate with water breaking.
Why should it seem impossible to believe in this power of the relics, when water could be made to gush from a rock in the desert?
Generally, there is a rise in the uterus due to a contraction and a gush of blood as the placenta is expelled.
The membranes which surround the baby and hold in the amniotic fluid will rupture, releasing a trickle or a gush of fluid.
But all it takes is finding one prompt that is the proverbial goldmine for your talents to gush forth and thrust you into a whirlwind of awe-inspiring writing.
All along the northern foot of the system hot mineral springs gush out at various places, such as Pyatigorsk, Zhelesnovodsk, Essentuki and Kislovodsk; and the series is continued along the northeastern foot of the highlands of Daghestan, e.g.