In a manner expressing resentment or lack of desire.
Dusty grudgingly faced off against Sofi once more.
Sofi grudgingly took it, terrified of what was to come.
Grudgingly, she turned Ed back toward the house.
He'd grudgingly gone on the hunting trip, not wanting to leave Claire behind by herself.
The praise was spoken grudgingly with a note bordering despair.
He was helping, even if he did so grudgingly.
The vamp grudgingly disappeared into his room.
The period was several times extended, at first grudgingly, Soderini complaining that Leonardo had treated the republic ill in the matter of the battle picture; whereupon the painter honourably offered to refund the money paid, an offer which the signory as honourably refused.
It was nice of you to help me out... even if it was grudgingly.
He held out his wrist, and she grudgingly took it, drinking from him while smelling the scents of the feast being prepared for his guests.
Grudgingly, she set up an appointment with the doctor.
Grimly, he returned grudgingly to his duties of entertaining his guests, feeling as if he needed to do something for his little Oracle.
Grudgingly, she spoke honestly, knowing there was nothing anyone – even Gabriel – could do to break a double bond.
She rose grudgingly and crossed to the communications viewer.
When Ully didn't follow, Toby turned to beckon him forward. The scientist looked in the direction of where Toby's angel memories told him the fortress was. Grudgingly, the Immortal followed him.
She held out her hand. Toby smiled grudgingly and took it. Katie led them around the island, trying to find some part of the chasm that was narrow enough to jump or a log they could roll across the gaping ravine.
Damian thought there was no good to Xander at all, while Sofi grudgingly admitted there might be something more to him.
He decided to grudgingly concede the role of the director, but they still think the words speak for themselves.
Which, I must grudgingly admit, sounds like much more fun than your average wedding.
I lent him, grudgingly, my special screw cutting tool with instructions not to let it get blunt.
The country ticks on overseas aid, which is taken grudgingly and then squandered.
At length, grudgingly, Narses gave his consent, and issued the required orders; but it was too late.
Add to all these benefits the fact that exercise can be a whole lot of fun and workouts become something that you gladly, instead of grudgingly, make time for.
The two developed a mutual respect for each other and grudgingly became friends.
While she does the right thing, most often grudgingly, she does not see the need to do it.
His first diet grudgingly granted him supplies and soldiers for the Turkish war, on condition that under no circumstances whatever should they henceforth be called upon to contribute towards the national defence, and he was practically deprived of the control of the banderia or mounted militia.
Elise did so grudgingly, taking in the PMF insurgents crowded around.
He went grudgingly, not wanting to deal with what awaited him.
Grudgingly, she went to the opened doors opposite her that led directly onto the beach.
He grudgingly released her and pushed himself back, straddling her thighs.
But this concession, grudgingly made, only remained in force for a few years, and on the death of the pope (1464) was revoked altogether, save in the case of members of the Piccolomini house, who were decreed to be popolani and were allowed to retain all their privileges.
As for Martha's father, Patsy's comments as recorded on one statement she grudgingly gave the authorities listed him as "some john I did for a couple of bucks drug money."
He grudgingly admitted that Sirian had trained her well.
Bianca and Sofi shared a look before Sofi said grudgingly, "Xander brought you."