Specter, ghost, haunting spirit
To make grim; to give a stern or forbidding aspect to.
Dismal and gloomy, cold and forbidding
Life was grim in many northern industrial towns.
Rigid and unrelenting
His grim determination enabled him to win.
Ghastly or sinister
A grim castle overshadowed the village.
Disgusting; gross
Brady and Elise exchanged a grim look.
His mouth was grim when he spoke.
If she lived, Hilden wouldn't look as grim as he did.
It was a grim lot that gathered for supper that night outside the ring of firelight.
Anne was a grim, sullen woman, frankly sensual, but as wellmeaning as ignorance and vindictiveness would allow her to be.
His expression was grim.
Her hands shook as she stood there discussing her own death with a creature that resembled the Grim Reaper.
The general nodded, looking grim but not surprised.
The dim light of hope in his eyes faded into grim acceptance.
He sheathed his weapons, grim at the discovery.
His heart almost stopped at the grim note in Kris.s voice.
The whole effect of the grim castle, the silvery stream and the verdant woods makes one of the most striking scenes in Belgium.
His lips spread into a grim line.
Howard asked, his expression grim.
T. Stepanek received a grim prognosis from doctors.
She looked up at Jule, whose features were grim.
Landon's grim expression was enough to tell Gabriel the route to the underworld was there.
It appears that about the beginning of the 9th century Grim Kamban, a Norwegian emigrant who had left his country to escape the tyranny of Harold Haarfager, settled in the islands.
All this sounds a bit grim, so to lighten the mood the main story is interspersed with other shorter stories.
Marya Dmitrievna, with her spectacles hanging down on her nose and her head flung back, stood in the hall doorway looking with a stern, grim face at the new arrivals.
They expect to see grim castles, evil magicians, simple peasants and noble heroes.
To make the scene more grim they wore black dresses (Tertullian, De Pallio) from head to foot.
The picture I have painted today may have seemed somewhat grim.
His face was grim, his frame tense.
Grim, she quickened her step as she debated how to manipulate her killer before the final blow fell.
When one of the latter, Fernan Sanchez, who had behaved with gross ingratitude and treason to his father, was slain by the legitimate son Pedro, the old king recorded his grim satisfaction.
The guards were grim this night, their faces creased with worry.
After showing Steven the grim fate the men he searched for met, she offers him the same challange that she had offered the missing men...
The government, however, did not venture to carry out the grim sentence which the law still applied to traitors, and introduced an act enabling it to commute the death penalty to transportation.
Small wonder, then, if Adam of Bremen, and the monkish annalists who follow him, describe Sweyn as a grim and bloody semi-pagan, perpetually warring against Christian states.
In comparing the Irish tales with the saga, there will be felt deep divergencies in matter, style and taste, the richness of one contrasting with the chastened simplicity of the other; the one's half-comic, half-earnest bombast is wholly unlike the other's grim humour; the marvellous, so unearthly in the one, is almost credible in the other; but in both are the keen grasp of character, the biting phrase, the love of action and the delight in blood which almost assumes the garb of a religious passion.
As Siegfried approaches Worms, Kriemhild's brothers, the Burgundian kings Gunther, Giselher and Gernot watch his coming, and to them their faithful retainer, "the grim Hagen," explains who he is.
The death of Siegfried is compassed, not by her, but by the "grim" Hagen, Gunther's faithful henchman, who thinks the glory of his master unduly overshadowed by that of his vassal.
Deidre didn't resist, uncertain why he looked grim suddenly.
Except, a week ago, all the radars of his army of grim reapers had gone haywire.
Jesus goes with grim foreboding, expecting to suffer.
Billy H was a great frontman, and their songs were filled with grim, gritty minutiae; proper little kitchen sink dramas.
Unlike Up on the Roof, however, the story told is relentlessly grim.
M off to work; I have a rather grim morning, or at least a tiring one.
As an example of mispunctuation we may take Shelley's Triumph of Life, 188 sqq., "` If thou can'st, forbear To join the dance, which I had well forborne ' Said the grim Feature of my thought ` Aware I I will unfold,'" &c., for "said the grim Feature (of my thought aware) ` I will unfold.'" Grammatical Assimilations.
Once that grim period was finished, the festival started up again and has continued every summer since.
The grim note in Dan's voice made Brady quicken his movements.
Let us consider some other statistics that make equally grim reading.
After a picnic there was a grim steep climb up to an exposed ridge with clouds of fine rain swirling about.
Super troopers In the grim darkness of the far future there is only war.
Let us start with grim warnings of doom and disaster.
The ethos at work has been decidedly grim since the pay cuts were implemented.
When you are staring at the specter of the grim reaper, you'll spend a lot of money to delay getting to know him better.
The facts about water pollution are grim and sobering, but there's a lot that people around the world can do to improve the situation.
The obvious ease of tossing your rug into the washing machine makes this kind of rug a perfect choice for the types of dirt and grim found in the kitchen.