A corridor of undeveloped or park land.
Its high tower has four stages, each adorned with grotesques; and Greenway's chapel, built in 1517 by John Greenway, a wool merchant of Tiverton, is ornamented with figures minutely carved in stone.
Of the priests involved, Garnet was tried and executed, while Greenway and Gerard succeeded in escaping.
A few days later, according to Garnet, the Jesuit, Oswald Tesemond, known as Greenway, informed him of the whole plot " by way of confession," when, as he declares, he expressed horror at the design and urged Green way to do his utmost to prevent its execution.
Subsequently, after his trial, Garnet said he " could not certainly affirm " that Greenway intended to relate the matter to him in confession.
In this connexion it is worth pointing out that Garnet had not thought it his duty to disclose the treasonable intrigue with the king of Spain in 1602, though there was no pretence in this case that he was restricted by the seal of confession, and his inactivity now tells greatly in his disfavour; for, allowing even that he was bound by confessional secrecy from taking action on Greenway's information, he had still Catesby's earlier revelations to act upon.
It was not till the 4th of December, however, that Garnet and Greenway were, by the confession of Bates, implicated in the plot; and on the same day Garnet removed from Coughton to Hindlip Hall, near Worcester, a house furnished with cleverlycontrived hiding-places for the use of the proscribed priests.
Strangely enough, however, the government passed over the incriminating conversation with Greenway, and relied entirely on the strong circumstantial evidence to support the charge of high treason against the prisoner.
His parents were Protestants, and he was educated at the free school at York, where, it is said, John and Christopher Wright and the Jesuit Tesimond alias Greenway, afterwards implicated in the conspiracy, were his schoolfellows.
Pam Greenway who is our hard working resident accompanist at rehearsals, joined the singers on this occasion.
A different memory was when we had a fire drill and Mrs Greenway hid me from Mrs Bunt during lining up.
But there's still loads of bumpy greenway that can really throw you about.
Father Greenway and Father Garnet, the Jesuits, were both cognisant of the plot (see Garnet, Henry).
According to Father Greenway he was "a man of great piety, of exemplary temperance, of mild and cheerful demeanour, an enemy of broils and disputes, a faithful friend and remarkable for his punctual attendance upon religious observances," while his society was "sought by all the most distinguished in the archduke's camp for nobility and virtue."
Also in Orlando is Greenway Jeep, a sub-section of Greenway Dodge.
Greenway Jeep offers both new and used vehicles for sale and lease.