Somewhat green.
The dark base of the mountainous thunderheads had a greenish tinge.
A greenish alloy used by goldsmiths contains 70% of silver and 30% of gold.
All the other examples have the lower portion covered in like manner by a network of circles standing nearly a quarter of an inch from the body of the cup. An example connected with the specimens just described is the cup belonging to Baron Lionel de Rothschild; though externally of an opaque greenish colour, it is by transmitted light of a deep red.
The perianth consists of five or six oblong greenish lobes, within which is found a tuft, consisting of a large number of stamens, each of which has a very short filament and an oblong two-lobed anther bursting longitudinally, and surmounted by an oblong lobe, which is the projecting end of the connective.
The rich, greenish yellow flowers appear in spring.
Part of the carbon of this spiegeleisen unites with the oxygen occluded in the molten iron to form carbonic oxide, and again a bright flame, greenish with manganese, escapes from the converter.
Two chalky white or greenish eggs are laid.
White tupelo honey is a light golden amber color with a slightly greenish cast.
The colour produced is generally of a greenish shade; for example, nitrosobenzene is green when fused or in solution (when crystalline, it is colourless), and dinitrosoresorcin has been employed as a dyestuff under the names " solid green " and " chlorine."
The principal mining districts are those of Hazaribagh in Bengal and Nellore in Madras; in the former district the mica has usually a ruby tint, whilst in the latter it is more often greenish.
Dropsical liquids are usually pale yellow or greenish, limpid, with a saltish taste and alkaline reaction, and a specific gravity ranging from 1005 to 1024.
Early Assyrian glass is represented in the British Museum by a vase of transparent greenish glass found in the north-west palace of Nineveh.
When the gold is finely divided, as in " purple of Cassius," or when it is precipitated from solutions, the colour is ruby-red, while in very thin leaves it transmits a greenish light.
It is golden-yellow, with a greenish or brownish-black streak.
Its colour is light brown, sometimes with a greenish tint, with the annular rings of darker colour.
The hydroxide, Ni(OH) 2, is obtained in the form of a greenish amorphous powder when nickel salts are precipitated by the caustic alkalis.
On exposure to light it assumes a greenish tinge.
When perfectly pure, the hexachloride is stable even in moist air, but the presence of an oxychloride brings about energetic decomposition; similarly water has no action on the pure compound, but a trace of the oxychloride occasions sudden decomposition into a greenish oxide and hydrochloric acid.
At the base is the so-called "blue clay" (really greenish) with ferruginous sandstones and with a fucoidal sandstone at its summit.
The resulting liquid, which has a muddy or café-au-lait appearance, or is of a greenish hue if made from leaves, is now ready for consumption.
Certain crystals from Cumberland are beautifully fluorescent, appearing purple with a bluish internal haziness by reflected light, and greenish by transmitted light.
Both, like the majority of herrings, are greenish on the back and silvery on the sides, but they are distinguished from the other European species Clupea by the presence of a large blackish blotch behind the gill-opening, which is succeeded by a series of several other similar spots along the middle of the side of the body.
The flowers are regular and rather showy, generally with three greenish sepals, followed in regular succession by three white or purplish petals, six to indefinite stamens and six to indefinite free carpels.
It attains a length of 6 ft., weighing then perhaps 30 lb, and is of a greenish colour, occasionally mixed with brown, while the tail is surrounded with alternate rings of those colours.
In the males the horns are generally angulated, and marked by fine transverse wrinkles; their colour being greenish or brownish.
It oxidizes on exposure with considerable evolution of heat; it rapidly absorbs carbon dioxide; and readily dissolves in acids to form ferrous salts, which are usually white when anhydrous, but greenish when hydrated.
By evaporating in vacuo the solution obtained by dissolving iron in hydrochloric acid, there results bluish, monoclinic crystals of FeCl24H20, which deliquesce, turning greenish, on exposure to air, and effloresce in a desiccator.
Iron dissolves in a solution of sulphur dioxide in the absence of air to form ferrous sulphite and thiosulphate; the former, being less soluble than the latter, separates out as colourless or greenish crystals on standing.
Ferrous salts give a greenish precipitate with an alkali, whilst ferric give a characteristic red one.
Aniline hydrochloride forms large colourless tables, which become greenish on exposure; it is the "aniline salt" of commerce.
The sepals are generally of a greenish colour; their function is mainly protective, shielding the more delicate internal organs before the flower opens.
They are usually of a greenish colour (herbaceous); but sometimes they are coloured or petaloid, as in the fuchsia, tropaeolum, globe-flower and pomegranate.
It has an amorphous internal structure, a dull fracture; is of a yellow to yellowish-brown hue, the purer varieties being almost colourless, or possessing a greenish tinge, and has a somewhat bitter aromatic taste, and a balsamic odour, which is developed by heating.
A cathode discharge is projected through two small holes in plates in the narrow part of the tube on a fluorescent screen at the end of the enlarged end, and the cathode ray or pencil depicts on it a small bright greenish patch of light.
Flowers have white to greenish corollas and purple anthers and filaments.
In summer large, greenish yellow flower bracts are produced with a prominent black eye.
In the presence of sunlight, tiny plant species called phytoplankton use the nutrients to produce a greenish plant substance called chlorophyll.
Officer's peaked caps could be the old style or greenish khaki.
In the image below, the outer cortex is blue and the inner medulla of this pig adrenal is greenish.
Much of the dolerite found in these places has a greenish tinge because of the presence of the mineral olivine.
Spring sees the appearance of greenish yellow, upright racemes of flowers followed by decorative red winged fruits.
The cup-shaped, flowers are greenish yellow and hang in pendant racemes.
Remove the meat from the tail section, the soft greenish liver and any red roe from the head and tail.
It's a shrub grown for its foliage, as its tiny, greenish white flowers are not showy.
For Scouts in camo, we used the same greenish Khaki but with dark green splotches on top.
There was, you could say, almost a greenish tinge to her.
It was a fine trout with a greenish tint to its markings and bold, dark yellow spots.
The result was a tall glass vase of greenish blue over yellow glass.
There flowers are white, pinkish or greenish white.
There are other large quarries at Dorset and East Dorset, Bennington county; the finest marbles from this region are the white, slightly marked with pale brown and with greenish lines; they are commonly used for building, the Harvard Medical School and the office of the U.S. Senate being examples.