The state of being grateful.
You have our undying gratitude for your donation!
Don't mistake gratitude for passion.
We would like to express our deep gratitude for your generous support.
I extend gratitude to my parents for their love and support.
My heart, too, was full of gratitude and solemn joy.
She offered me gratitude for the help I gave her in Denmark.
They expressed gratitude for what she meant to them.
The thought of their gentle courtesy and genuine kindness brings a warm glow of joy and gratitude to my heart.
The Emperor's gratitude was announced to the vanguard, rewards were promised, and the men received a double ration of vodka.
Any gratitude he felt for the fact that she had given them a daughter was overshadowed by the danger she had put them all in.
She felt gratitude was owed to her supporters.
The Pharisees were convinced they had earned the gratitude of God.
The older generation often complains that kids today don’t have any gratitude for the advantages and privileges they’ve been given.
He deserves gratitude for the invaluable contribution he has made.
We wish to express our sincere gratitude to all of the friends and family who came to our wedding.
For saving our sister's life in the fire, he has our eternal gratitude.
To Harley himself he was bound by gratitude and by a substantial agreement in principle, but with the rest of the Tory ministry he had no sympathy.
People who readily express their gratitude are more empathetic and have better mental health than those who don’t.
The man left in a state of pure joy and filled with profound gratitude.
He felt gratitude for the gifts that poured down upon him.
She knew her parents expected some gratitude for helping her out of debt, but after all the lecturing she just felt resentment.
Demeter then returns to Olympus, but before her final departure from earth, in token of her gratitude, she instructs the rulers of Eleusis in the art of agriculture and in the solemnities and rites whereby she desires in future to be honoured.
But the princess, if she did not again thank him in words, thanked him with the whole expression of her face, radiant with gratitude and tenderness.
If she maintained neutrality, it was due to no impulse of gratitude, and it was far from " benevolent."
As praetor in 227, he gained the lasting gratitude of the people of his province (Sicily) by his excellent administration.
On the 4th of September 1896 the assembly formally accepted the new constitution and declared its gratitude to the powers for their intervention.
It is polite to show your gratitude for a gift with a thoughtful thank-you note.
While the night's events were still a bit hazy, her memory was clear enough to feel gratitude towards the man crouched beside her.
Please accept our heartfelt gratitude for your financial support over the last sixteen months.
He didn’t know how he could show his gratitude for all the help she had given him over the years.
She could not fathom whether it was curiosity, devotion, gratitude, or apprehension and distrust--but the expression on all the faces was identical.
His friends therefore felt, at the close of that long campaign, that the nation owed him some substantial token of gratitude and admiration for those sacrifices.
Doa Christina, apart from the dictates of gratitude towards the head of her Church for the kindness shown to her son and government, was a zealous Catholic. She proved all thfough her regency that she not only relied upon the support of the Vatican and of the prelates, but that she was determined to favor the Church and the religious foundations in every possible way.
He was pleased at the gratitude he received, but felt abashed at receiving it.
They understand the concepts of trust, loyalty, and gratitude.
Rainy's voice was quiet, and Damian sensed his heartfelt gratitude.
He wasn't sure what he felt, but it wasn't gratitude.
The influence of German culture is also remembered with gratitude.
His grandfather served in the war against Sertorius with Pompey, through whose influence he obtained the Roman citizenship; hence the name Pompeius, adopted as a token of gratitude to his benefactor.
Gratitude for her devotion brought him and his wife in constant intimacy with her.
Here a more complex phenomenon presents itself for analysis; we have to distinguish in the sense of merit - (1) a direct sympathy with the sentiments of the agent, and (2) an indirect sympathy with the gratitude of those who receive the benefit of his actions.
These cute little squirrels display a gratitude sign.
His activity on this occasion won the king's lifelong gratitude.
The marquis of Saluces, notwithstanding his gratitude to Francis I.
Carmen was torn between gratitude that Lori gave Destiny to them and disappointment that Lori could abandon her child so totally.
The passion of love, after very sufficient experience, she apparently and naturally outlived; the passion of hatred and revenge was as inextinguishable in her inmost nature as the emotion of loyalty and gratitude.
It may be questioned whether there is any other writer to whom the Germans owe a deeper debt of gratitude.
Early in life, too, he met with the doctrines of Jacob Behmen, of whom, in the Biographia Literaria, he speaks with affection and gratitude as having given him vital philosophic guidance.
Some of his property was actually plundered, but restored at the bidding of Caesar, to whom Varro in gratitude immediately dedicated one of his most important writings.
Religion may here be defined as the conception of divine, or at least supernatural powers entertained by men in moments of gratitude or of need and distress, in hours of weakness, when, as Homer says, "all folk yearn after the gods."