The person to whom something is granted.
Military service and the paying of the feudal taxesaids, reliefs, &care incidents of the bargain between the crown and the grantee to whom land has been given.
In its modern usage it is practically confined to the money endowment given to the younger children of reigning or mediatized houses in Germany and Austria, which reverts to the state or to the head of the family on the extinction of the line of the original grantee.
When the interests of colonization required it, free gifts of land might be made; in which case the grantee must himself exploit his concession.
The competition for appointments was naturally very keen; Couto mentions the case of one grantee who received the reversion of a post to which 30 applicants had a prior claim.'
But Edward the Black Prince was the original grantee of the principality as well as of the dukedom, under p p y the special limitations which have continued in force to the present day.
That grantee, the tenant-in-chief, has the right to demand from his sub-tenants, to whom he has given out fractions of his estate, the same dues that the king exacts from himself.
The practice of giving land as a beneficium to a grantee who swore personal allegiance to the grantor had persisted, and by his capitularies Charlemagne had made these personal engagements, these contracts of immunityhitherto not transferable, nor even for life, but quite conditionalregular, legal, even obligatory and almost indissoluble.
The Company of the Indies became the grantee for the farming of.tobacco, the coinage of metals, and farming in general; and in order to procure funds it multiplied the output of shares, which were adroitly launched and became more and more sought for on the exchange in the rue Quincampoix.
The funding agency should give the grantee a choice of methods for providing OA to the resulting publications.
This could be the original grantee or an assignee.
All these gifts were confirmed by Ranulph, son of William de Meschines, the first grantee.
To apply for LIHEAP, visit your state's LIHEAP state grantee.
You can find the application form and other pertinent information through their established Grantee Center.
To be official, a deed must list a grantor (person or persons selling the property) and a grantee (person or persons buying the property).
The deed must be in writing, signed by the grantor, and delivered and accepted by the grantee.
If dual grantees are listed as "joint tenants" the property passes automatically to the surviving grantee or grantees should death occur.
However, if dual grantees are listed as "tenants in common" the property may pass to the deceased's heirs rather than the remaining grantee or grantees.
For the most part, these pieces of lingerie provide a substantial lift and well to your breasts, and if you happen to be wearing a deeply cut top, it's a virtual grantee that this style will help keep all eyes fixed on you!
If any person who has been educated in or has professed the Christian religion shall, by writing, printing, teaching, or advised speaking, assert or maintain that there are more Gods than one, or shall deny any of the persons of the Holy Trinity to be God, or shall deny the Christian religion to be true or the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testament to be of divine authority, he shall for the first offence be declared incapable of holding any ecclesiastical, civil, or military office or employment, and for the second incapable of bringing any action, or of being guardian, executor, legatee, or grantee, and shall suffer three years' imprisonment without bail.
In a similar manner grants of land, or of the profits of land, appear to have been made by the bishops to their clergy for life, on the ground of some extraordinary merit on the part of the grantee.