Evergreen shrub, of the genus Ulex, having spiny leaves and yellow flowers.
Like the Gorse and a few other shrubs of the Pea family, they delight in a dry, sandy soil, and when in flower, which is during several weeks in late summer and in autumn, they are pretty, their foliage being light and elegant.
It turned right with gorse bushes in the hedge giving extra color.
There was plenty of yellow gorse in flower looking bright in the dull light.
Holmes held up a crumpled branch of flowering gorse.
Common heather is frequent, but western gorse is a feature of the dry heath.
Rolling greens undulating fairways, hidden greens and thick gorse regarded by many as more difficult than ' The Old ' .
A magnificent sight is the early bloom of golden gorse.
Typical plants are ' Pink lady ', common hawthorn, common holly, firethorn and common gorse.
Gorse fire on Arthur's Seat There was a gorse fire on Arthur's Seat There was a gorse fire in the middle of Edinburgh on Monday 7th August.
In the late summer and autumn the dwarf gorse opens its yellow flowers, but in winter and spring the tall common gorse blooms.
There are pockets of heathland which support cross-leaved heath & dwarf gorse.
Fields within basin enclosed by dense, hawthorn hedgerows with numerous, well-spaced hedgerow trees; hedgerows on margins are predominantly gorse.
Robust field pattern reinforced by stone walls and gorse hedgerows.
The mild weather has encouraged the first wild primroses to show against a background of Gorse in full bloom.
All gorse flowers have a rich perfume redolent of the coconut chips sweets of our childhood.
At the latter sites, gorse scrub may also occur.
Sweeps of purple flowering heather and sweet scented gorse dominate the heathland whilst the wetlands harbor insect-eating sundews and rare marsh gentians.
Berberis, dwarf gorse and other spiny shrubs are useful to deter access.
Along the edge of the wood elder, blackthorn, holly and gorse grow, sometimes draped in old man's beard.
Instantly the girl was engulfed in a swirling, thick impenetrable fog which pixie led her into the field of gorse.
To the north our neighbors agricultural land rises steeply, and has gorse and fern growing, which is a haven for wild life.
Their foodplants include gorse, bramble and bird's foot trefoil.
Assist and clear the gorse from top of the cliffs.
He Who Was Not To Be Involved had to keep cutting back the gorse & bracken, which kept hiding the date.
At the present day, the woodlands are neither so large nor so numerous as they formerly were, while there are many more gorse covers; therefore, instead of hunting the drag up to it, a much quicker way of getting to work is to find a fox in his kennel; and, the hour of the meeting being later, the fox is not likely to be gorged with food, and so unable to take care of himself at the pace at which the modern foxhound travels.