An enlargement of the front and sides of the neck caused by inflammation of the thyroid gland.
The doctor may also examine the neck with the eyes and hands to see if a goiter is present.
Goiter is reversible with treatment but cretinism is not.
This condition is known as goiter or hyperthyroidism.
Goiter is usually caused by iodine deficiency.
On inspection, the physician may note symptoms such as a goiter or eye bulging.
Deficiency in adults can result in an enlarged thyroid gland (goiter) in the neck.
With no goiter the condition may be called atrophic thyroiditis or primary myxoedema.
In addition to goiter, iodine toxicity produces a brassy taste in the mouth, excessive production of saliva, and ulcers on the skin.
Other names for hyperthyroidism, or specific diseases within the category, include Graves' disease, diffuse toxic goiter, Basedow's disease, Parry's disease, and thyrotoxicosis.
Patients with Graves' disease often have a goiter (visible enlargement of the thyroid gland), although as many as 10 percent do not.
Most commonly, patients treated with thyroidectomy, in the form of partial or total removal of the thyroid, suffer from large goiter and have suffered relapses, even after repeated attempts to address the disease through drug therapy.
Although goiter continues to be a problem in other parts of the world, it no longer occurs in the United States because of the fortification of foods with iodine.
In iodine deficiency, the prognosis for treating goiter is excellent.