A beard trimmed to grow only at the center of the chin.
His dark face ended in a little black goatee.
He had a little goatee under his chin and a big grin.
The only give away of his Irish origins from a glance is his ginger goatee.
Voiced by Carey Means, Frylock is a red box of French fries who wears an attractive goatee, dental braces and a blue mystical jewel embedded in his back.
While Pee Wee Herman was known for his gray suit, red bow tie, and short hair, Reubens' mugshot featured a man with a goatee and long, greasy hair.
Strictly for those who want to channel their inner Viking or Captain Jack Sparrow, if you have a longer beard or goatee, you can create tiny braids in it, and even adorn them with tiny beads or feathers.
While Brad Pitt still changes his goatee and hair length from time to time, it seems his exploratory days of hairstyles are over, most notably his mullet.
Jonathan was dressed in a dark suit and had a mustache and goatee.
I grew the goatee about ten years ago when my daughter was born - I don't think she'd recognize me without it.