A peptide hormone, produced by the pancreas, that opposes the action of insulin by stimulating the production of sugar
This in turn stimulates the liver to produce glucose and the pancreas to produce glucagon and insulin.
Alpha cells produce a hormone called glucagon that raises blood glucose by triggering its release from glycogen stores in the liver.
The alpha cells detect that glucose concentrations are returning to normal and stop secreting glucagon.
Islet tissue also contains a cells which manufacture the antagonistic hormone glucagon, but these a cells rely on the b cells for guidance.
It also suppresses secretion of glucagon, a hormone which boosts plasma sugar levels.
Severe hypoglycemia should be treated with a glucagon injection to increase the blood glucose level.
In addition, blood glucose and amino acid availability for growth is also regulated by the hormones adrenaline, glucagon, and insulin.
Someone at school should also be trained in how to administer a glucagon injection, an emergency treatment for a hypoglycemic episode when a child loses consciousness.
In these cases, a glucagon injection should be administered and the child should be taken to the nearest emergency care facility.
An injectable form of glucagon is sometimes used to treat insulin shock.
A child who has lost consciousness due to hypoglycemia may require a glucagon shot to return blood sugar levels to normal.
A glucagon injection should be used on a child that has lost consciousness due to hypoglycemia.
Glucagon is a hormone manufactured by the pancreas that triggers the release of blood glucose by the liver.
A glucagon injection kit contains a syringe of sterile water and a vial of powdered glucagon.
The water is injected into the glucagon vial and then mixed, and the resulting solution is drawn back into the syringe for injection into any muscular area (e.g., arm, buttock, thigh).
Glucagon can cause vomiting, so a child that is given a glucagons injection should be monitored carefully to prevent aspiration.
Care-givers of children with type 1 diabetes should have access to an emergency glucagon kit and be trained in its use.
The pancreas releases glucagon, insulin, and some of the enzymes which aid digestion.