Any of a group of simple proteins, soluble in water only in the presence of salts, that are coagulated by heat; one of the two parts of haemoglobin.
Egg-albumin is the chief constituent of the white of egg; this fluid also contains a globulin and a mucoid.
These sex hormones are carried in the blood on a protein called sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG ).
Tests with anti-human globulin reagents 1 For each anti-human globulin reagents 1 For each anti-human globulin reagent, prepare 2 sets of 6 tubes.
Sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) is one of the proteins produced by the liver.
Tests with anti-human globulin reagents 1 For each anti-human globulin reagent, prepare 2 sets of 6 tubes.
Neutralizing antibody to hepatitis A virus in immune serum globulin and in the sera of human recipients of immune serum globulin.
It contains cocoa mass polyphenol (CMP), which is a substance that inhibits the production of the immuno globulin "IgE."
Children with chronic ITP can be treated with prednisone, immune globulin, or large doses of intravenous gamma globulin.
In cases of known Rh incompatibility, the mother is given an injection of RhoGAM, an immune globulin preparation, at about 28 weeks of pregnancy and again immediately after the child's birth.
Rh disease, for example, has been controlled by the advent of anti-Rh globulin; its administration to Rh-negative mothers has reduced one risk factor for CP.
Such treatments are vaccine or immune globulin for hepatitis A, typhoid, meningitis, Japanese encephalitis, and rabies.
If the blood test is positive, the baby should receive vaccine along with hepatitis B immune globulin (HBIG) at birth.
Sometimes, corticosteroids or immune globulin may be given to improve platelet production.
A substance known as varicella-zoster immune globulin (VZIG), which reduces the severity of chickenpox symptoms, is as of 2004 available to treat immunocompromised children and others at high risk of developing complications.
Infants, however, cannot receive this antitoxin and are usually treated instead with injections of human botulism immune globulin (BIG), an antiserum that neutralizes the botulinum toxin.
Children at high risk for severe chickenpox or its complications, including newborns and premature infants exposed to chickenpox after birth, often are given varicella-zoster immune globulin (VZIG).
Kawasaki syndrome is usually treated with a combination of aspirin, to control the patient's fever and skin inflammation, and high doses of intravenous immune globulin to reduce the possibility of coronary artery complications.
Short-term protection against hepatitis A is available from immune globulin, a preparation of antibodies that can be given before exposure for short-term protection against hepatitis A and for persons who have already been exposed to HAV.
Immune globulin must be given within two weeks after exposure to hepatitis A virus for maximum protection.
Some healthcare providers may recommend giving the mother an injection of immune globulin (to boost the immune system to fight off the virus) if she is exposed to rubella early in the pregnancy.
A second type of rabies vaccine, rabies immune globulin (RIG), provides immediate, short-term protection after exposure to the virus.
Human rabies immune globulin (RIG, HRIG) is a vaccine made from human serum that contains high levels of antibodies against rabies.
Rabies immune globulin (RIG or HRIG)-A human serum preparation containing high levels of antibodies against the rabies virus; used for post-exposure prophylaxis.
For them, human botulism immune globulin (BIG) is the preferred treatment.
Treatment of XLA consists of regular intravenous doses of commercially prepared gamma globulin (sold under the trade names Gamimune or Gammagard) to ward off infections.
Prior to the era of gamma globulin and antibiotic treatment, approximately 90 percent of XLA individuals died before the age of eight.
Immune globulin injections help prevent or reduce measles infection if given within six days of exposure.
It is recommended that newborns whose mothers are HBsAg-positive receive hepatitis B immune globulin (HBIG)-a preparation of serum containing high levels of antibodies to hepatitis B-as well as HBV within 12 hours of birth.
These can be avoided if the mother is given a substance called Rh immune globulin (RhIg) at approximately 28 weeks into the pregnancy and again within 72 hours after the baby is born.
Corticosteroids and immune globulin may be given in an attempt to improve thrombocytopenia.
If the Rh-negative woman is not isoimmunized, a repeat antibody determination is done around 28 weeks' gestation, and the expectant woman should receive an injection of an anti-Rh (D) gamma globulin called Rhogham.
Therefore, all mothers who have Rh-negative blood and no apparent sensitization (as indicated by antibody titer) should be treated with a standard 300g dose of Rh(D) immune globulin (Rhogam) at about 28 weeks of gestation.
Although various types of serums may be used to produce passive immunization, gamma globulin is the most frequently used source of human antibodies.
The PEP regimen consists of one dose of vaccine given at the initial visit as well as one dose of human immune globulin.
If your body is not producing antibodies to Rh positive blood, you will likely be given the option of receiving an injection of Rh immune globulin, which can prevent your body from starting to produce such antibodies.
These pills help increase the amount of a molecule called sex-hormone-binding globulin.
Fibrin, produced from fibrinogen by a ferment, is a jelly-like substance, coagulable by heat, alcohol, &c. The muscle-albumins include " myosin " or paramyosinogen, a globulin, which by coagulation induces rigor mortis, and the closely related " myosinogen " or myogen; myoglobulin and myoalbumin are also found in muscles.