A silly, incompetent, stupid, annoying or childish person (usually a man).
To get.
To get (leave; scram).
I'm nobody, just a sad git who fell for the wrong woman.
Let's get over to the Git 'N' Go and back.
Thanks for the questions, sorry it took me so long to reply, but that happens when you become an old git!
His tomb is to be recognized at Isfahan by the words Cy git Rodolphe on a long wide slab.
The computer simply works out whose co-ordinates are closest and, hey presto, some jammy git wins the car.
Perhaps they all realized what a smug git Campbell is.
However not wanting to sound like a totally miserable git, I thought I'd wish everyone a Happy New Year.
Or he could just be a lazy git who has never lifted a dirty sock in his life!
Your Trial will be revoked on the grounds that you 're a smarmy Git !
It taen aw ma smeddum ti git throu the day.
The best thing ye kin do is to go back, and when ye git into town ask a policeman.
Feets Git Movin ' To really get you dancing, Filter includes two drum-machine style Rhythm Generators for loop-based grooves or complex polyrhythms.
He'll be thinking, ' you sad git, just shag her ' " .
You git me that an ye sal hae yeir bonnie lassie awa free WI ye.
Boun ' to git yo ' money back a hund'd times, de preacher says!
He'll be thinking, ' you sad git, just shag her ' .
Tho if you answered the questions the exact way they give you, you would come across as a bit of a smarmy git.
Whilst, almost every white person, is shown to be a snooty stuck-up git, or a complete retard !
The whinging git really does n't know how lucky he is to get away with an eight month ban.
Boun ' to git yo ' money back a hund 'd times, de preacher says !
When she'd git into dem tantrums, she always had one word dat she said.
But he didn't git much chance to enjoy his luck, for inside of a week our folks laid him out.
When I knew he had git a bronze medal, it was amazing.
Or worse still, having to lie about that annoying old git in accounts and pretend we will miss him.
It's been a tough week and a grumpy old git needs an early night.
He's also a bit of a ' flash git ' according to some - including, at times, his younger brother Rodney.