Very careful or cautious.
Lisa gingerly settled her body on the couch.
Rob walked gingerly across the rocks, wincing.
She gingerly untangled herself from some thorny vines and tried to stand.
Megan gingerly accepted the tool, gripping the smooth wooden handle with both hands.
He quickened his step and his breath came in spurts as he gingerly climbed the stairs toward their rooms.
She ate gingerly, her head aching from both her hangover and her mental breakdown.
She touched a branch gingerly, uncertain if the trees here were sensitive to touch or not.
She crept around the bed and leaned on it gingerly, watching for signs of him waking.
Fred examined the small bone and handed it back to Cynthia who gingerly dropped it into a small crystal jewelry box on her bureau.
Xander gingerly pulled the necklace free and rearranged her hair.
She touched his cheek gingerly.
She rifled gingerly through the boxes, afraid of uncovering a stash of tarantula cats.
She moved past him and gingerly felt behind the stove until her fingers closed around the shaker.
She stared at his broad back, testing a hand full of his Jacket gingerly.
Dean gingerly checked the pant's pockets but they were empty.
Turned on and starving, she gingerly crawled across the bed and settled beside him on her belly, pausing guiltily before lapping up the bubbles of blood.
Dean smiled as the two walked away and then gingerly mounted his bike, renewing a few aches and minor pains.
She gingerly picked the grizzly trophy up from the barn floor and tossed it in the trash bucket.
I slid gingerly down a dense bank of undergrowth to a spot where a deep slack on the inside might just hold a barbel.
Gingerly, he played out more rope and descended lower, the slope now near-vertical so the toe of his crampon bit into the rock-hard ice.
A group of bikers stopped with a squeal of brakes and ran down the slight embankment to his side just as he gingerly moved himself to a sitting position.
Business success is akin to gingerly stepping on eggshells while crossing a minefield with hope that nothing will explode.